Sentences with phrase «classroom grant requirements»

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The proposed system would include requirements for grant - funded classrooms in regards to improvement plans, multiple observations over time to increase program quality, as well as professional development for teachers and administrators to understand and promote quality practices and data use.
The Nebraska Department of Education, Office of Early Childhood currently provides grants to school districts to provide new or expanded early childhood programs for 3 -5-year-olds; however, creating and improving quality in classrooms has not been a requirement of these grants.
Eliminates current law requirement that school districts must use 60 percent of the grant funds to award classroom teachers and principals who effectively improvement student achievement as determined by meaningful, objective measures.
The grant scholarship is available for anyone, 15 to 17 years old, interested in completing the Joshua's Law Drivers Ed requirement of 30 - hours classroom and 6 - hours driving lessons.
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