Sentences with phrase «closer than they triumph»

Not exact matches

Black Widow knew she deserved better than one 30 - second kick - butt scene in Iron Man 2, so she took the reins in Avengers, leading the team to triumph by using Loki's scepter to close the portal on the Chitauri invasion.
But action flicks typically end on a note of triumph or at least gritty perseverance, rather than the humiliated acceptance with which even relatively hopeful horror films often close.
Jennings triumphed 8,130 to 6,301 — a margin much closer than many expected at the time.
Instead, Hoffman has triumphed over Scozzafava in public opinion polls, despite, not the local Republican Party, but local Republican Party leaders (a very different kettle of fish), who clearly misread the mind and mood of the electorate when they imperiously chose a candidate who is evidently closer to Nancy Pelosi in her ideology than to Joe Lieberman, let alone George Pataki.
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