Sentences with phrase «codependent partners»

Codependent partners suffer from low self - esteem, causing them to be more focused on filling their partner's needs than knowing and satisfying their own, according to Guenther.
Such a relationship is dysfunctional, and leaves the codependent partner ultimately unfulfilled, disappointed, frustrated.

Not exact matches

In this list, I presume, for simplicity's sake, that we are the codependent wife and our church, institution, company or whatever partner, is the husband:
Whereas a codependent person cedes identity and power to his or her partner and can hardly function independently, an interdependent person retains individual identity while also forging a partnership based on shared power.
«As someone who has always been in codependent relationships, this book opened up the idea that a healthy relationship can lead both partners to be independent as well as close and together by coming up with agreements that meet both people's needs by freeing up time for creativity.
Often, the partner of an addicted person exhibits codependent behaviors, such as enabling, justifying, or ignoring the addicted person's behaviors.
Instead of an addicted person thinking their partner is controlling, judgmental, or codependent, they see how the partner is desperate for closeness and connection.
Other times, both partners are committed to codependent relationship recovery.
This doesn't mean the marriage can't be saved but the spouse who doesn't have the addiction should be looking at the ways they contribute to marital struggles (nit picking, over controlling, being too codependent) while the other partner hopefully gets treatment or support for an active addiction.
We labeled those who craved others as «codependent» and «sick» instead of understanding that their dependency on their partner was something to be grateful for and envied.
Sometimes codependents have relationships with partners who are not addicts or alcoholics.
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