Sentences with phrase «coercive power of»

Nor could it do so, lacking as it does the imprimatur and coercive power of government.
REALTOR ® leaders of an earlier era pushed back against requirements that they believed represented the «coercive power of the state.»
This industry - wide sales hustle which has been culturally indoctrinated into every real estate personality from the CREAcrats on down to the field workers is a classic case of the blatant misuse of the Coercive Power of Fear method of creating commissions for those motivated by their own inner impulses to influence others» behaviours for the primary purpose of achieving «their» end goals... commissions.
Those with the fear - of - failure - syndrome firmly embedded in their brains (most newbies) are ripe for the infiltration of the use of Coercive Power of Fear psychological tactics into their arsenals of influence, and that is not a good thing ORE..
Coercive Power of Fear psychological manipulations rear their ugly heads... otherwise known as the «Bum's Rush».
It seems wrong that the coercive power of the state should be used to force an unconsented transfer from A to B where the operation of the open market has failed to generate the required bargain by means of normal arm's length dealing.
In many scenarios, the husband often has extreme coercive power of the wife because he frequently controls the couple's finances.
He uses the coercive power of the state to force other people to give him, gratis, the fruits of their labor.
It must be right that those who exercise the coercive power of the state should be held to account by those whom they serve.
This appeared to demand a substantial use of the coercive power of the state.
Conservatives, argues David Sehat, profess religious freedom, but only to secretly assert the coercive power of law to force people to live under a particular religious establishment.
I fear the coercive power of secular progressivism far more than I do the inducements of the market economy.
Above all, the coercive power of our legal system, already stretched thin, must be used with caution and chiefly against evils about which there is something like universal consensus.
Every State must have coercive power of law enforcement and the protection of its citizens from evildoers.
The coercive power of efficient causation is necessary for actualization, provides for dependable generalizations which may guide human purpose, and furnishes a matrix of relativity in which the purpose may be expressed.
But the significance of such a law is not only that it puts the coercive power of the state against the unjust discriminator, but that it puts the moral power of the state against it also, T. V. Smith's statement that laws «represent the maximum of private conscience which can at any time become social fact.»
Although it does not say so directly, Vatican II's Decree on Religious Freedom implies that the Church should not have recourse to the coercive power of the state to enforce her theological principles.
Which leads me to wonder, first, whether Christianity really is so weak in Tennessee that it needs the coercive power of the government to maintain itself, and, second, whether the commitment to limited government of Tennessee's Republicans is so thin that it does not require the state to stay out of our individual decisions concerning where (and whether) to pray, and to whom.
If the Russian government tries to use the coercive power of law to unite them under the Moscow Patriarchate, will the Russian Orthodox Church vigorously protest and insist on the right of Kyivan Patriarchate parishes to exist, even though it regards them as schismatic?
The coercive power of the state has forced the secularization of charitable work, leading to such tragedies as the closing of religious charities that refuse to secularize their ministries.
As Phelps» daughter reminded me, there is a venerable American history of religious protests against the coercive power of the federal government, running from the anti-slavery and female suffrage advocacy of nineteenth - century evangelicals to the civil rights agitation of rabbis and members of the black church.
Witte writes, «Marriage required the coercive power of the state to preserve its integrity.
There, the Vatican played a major role in defeating the plans of the Clinton Administration and its allies to increase the coercive power of the state in family planning and sex education throughout the world.
I have no problem with that agenda in a world in which coercion is necessary to control a fallen humanity, and in which the coercive powers of government are themselves wielded by fallen humans.
Public authority power The fact that the claimants were acting as public authorities exercising coercive powers of the state in carrying out its public function in respect of the centre did not per se put them outside the scope of RA 1886.

Not exact matches

This power is driven by fear of consequences and of what the person with the coercive power can do to you if you disobey.
Perhaps it is now time to recognize that the third world - changing scientific achievement of the last century is not the unmitigated good that much of Western culture claims it is — and that treating the sexual revolution as a unambiguous, indeed undeniable, boon to humanity can lead to a lot of personal unhappiness, homicidal ghouls like Kermit Gosnell, and the deployment of coercive state power in ways that threaten civil society and democracy.
For Milbank, Taylor «is highly alert to the fact that disenchantment perhaps primarily came about because a certain style of theology favored this — a style wishing to monopolize all mystery in the one God, somewhat in the way that the modern state now monopolized all coercive power at the sovereign center.»
When the power, prestige and financial support of government is placed behind a particular religious belief, the indirect coercive pressure upon religious minorities to conform to the prevailing officially approved religion is plain.
With this understanding of power, the attribution to God of coercive power seems to be a mistake.
The one place where the exception is clearly visible is in the anonymous Letter to Diognetus from the mid-second century CE, where [45] God's use of persuasive and not coercive power is affirmed in regard to how God leads wayward humanity to salvation: The invisible God, the Ruler and Creator of all, sent «the Designer and Maker of the universe himself, by whom he created... like a king sending his son who is himself a king.
Gregory thought that this was an exemplary statement of the way to protest the abuse of coercive authority — not by overt, destructive, risk - laden rebellion, but by a symbolic demonstrative act revealing the vulnerable moral credibility of abused power.
«It saw clearly the contrast between the state, with its coercive power, and the church - and the importance of the freedom of the church against the state, especially where the state tries to control it,» Bennett said.
The easiest access point for most is to say that because God IS love, then God's very nature is loving, and so God's use of power is not coercive - it is persuasive (almost seductive).
Indeed, a theology that does not make clear how the life of faith pertains to the structures of civilization — including even those coercive ones of political power — is truncated.
God in his working, and in his ways of working, is persuasive not coercive power; he is that creative, dynamic, energizing love which was seen by men in the person of Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ's own working and ways of working.
Obviously, the church was not innocent of the bloodshed, entangled as it was with coercive power.
And then there was a different form of poverty: the «spiritual poverty of our time»; that poverty is most evident in wealthier societies and manifests itself in what Benedict XVI often called the «dictatorship of relativism»» the worship of the false god of me, myself, and I, imposed by state power, often in the name of a misguided and coercive concept of tolerance.
Many are reminded of abusive church members who have used love as coercive leverage to garner control and power.
But clearly this will not do because it merely presupposes a resolution of the problem at stake; the problem is that of determining when power becomes coercive.
This simple point helps to reveal an ambiguous use of the word «coercive»: (1) Sometimes the speaker seems to be saying or implying that coercive power is that power which is successful, strong, efficient, and competent.
It is in this light that we can perhaps better understand their assertion that «a certain amount of coercive power is morally required» (PS 2:45).
Another example was alluded to before: the fact that our world seems to have taken shape over a period of many billions of years, rather than having been created in essentially its present form a few thousand years ago, provides evidence against the view that the creation of our world required omnipotent coercive power; this fact is much more consistent with the view that the divine creative power is solely the power of persuasion, the kind of power we can experience working in our own lives.
During his homily at the Mass pro eligendo Romano Pontifice [for the election of the Roman Pontiff] on April 18, 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger cautioned his fellow - cardinals that John Paul II's successor would have to deal with an emerging «dictatorship of relativism» throughout the western world: the use of coercive state power to impose an agenda of dramatic moral deconstruction on all of society.
This opened the way to affirming the use of coercive power by humans as well.
Magic is coercive of the unseen powers.
And if and when force is used, let us not hallow it by thinking of God as essentially such coercive power.
But surely that way of stating it presupposes that God's grace is coercive power.
If by power we intend to signify, as most often is intended, the use of coercive measures whether these be overt or subtle and hidden, then it would seem that to ascribe such a quality to God as His chief characteristic — as in fact, if not in word, is suggested when people talk as did my questioner — is a denial of the point of Christ's disclosure of God.
«Jesus chose the power of God's weakness over against the ultimate weakness of coercive human power.
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