Sentences with phrase «cognitive theory englewood»

A Systematic Review of the Evidence for Impaired Cognitive Theory of Mind in Maltreated Children.
Implications for cognitive theory and therapy in depressed adolescents are briefly discussed.
Implications for elevated levels of social evaluative anxiety are discussed within a social cognitive theory perspective and for maternal psychological control within a social learning theory perspective.
The original intervention was based on social cognitive theory, the theory of reasoned action, and the theory of planned behavior.
Theories developed and tested within general adolescent HIV prevention interventions include social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1977), the theory of reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1973), and the social — personal framework (Donenberg & Pao, 2005).
We draw on attachment and social - cognitive theory to formulate a model of the mechanisms underlying this association.
Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.
Pretest to 30 - day follow - up analyses indicated significant treatment effects on parent - reported discipline style (Parenting Scale, Adolescent version), child behavior (Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory), and on social cognitive theory constructs of intentions and self - efficacy.
It is for this reason that Bandura modified his theory and in 1986 renamed his Social Learning Theory, Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), as a better description of how we learn from our social experiences.
«I use a comprehensive theoretical approach emphasizing cognitive theory which demonstrates effectiveness with depression, anxiety, anger management, and co»... Read More
The distinction between unipolar and bipolar depression: A cognitive theory perspective.
Harvey, A.G. (2005) A cognitive theory and therapy for chronic insomnia.
Schizophrenia: Cognitive Theory, Research, and Therapy.
Bandura, A. (1986) Social foundations of thought and action: A social - cognitive theory.
Social cognitive theory of organizational management.
Scientific foundations of Cognitive Theory and therapy of depression.
Cognitive theory contends that solutions to problems take the form of algorithms — rules that are not necessarily understood but promise a solution, or heuristics — rules that are understood but that do not always guarantee solutions.
Coaches use techniques grounded in social cognitive theory, cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness, which have been shown to produce significant positive behavior change, particularly with weight loss and maintenance.
Both the videotape and the intervention relied on principles of social cognitive theory, particularly modeling and skill building.
Consistent with the principles from social cognitive theory, 35 they introduced skill - building activities, served as role models, and provided feedback to the adolescent mothers in a supportive context.
Self - efficacy, values, and complementarity in dyadic interactions: Integrating interpersonal and social - cognitive theory.
The videotape was developed following principles from social cognitive theory, 35 including modeling, familiar contexts, and skill - oriented strategies.
As they used Beck's Theory as a background for their study, we can extrapolate that the subject's who had a goal were able to avoid negative thinking patterns more often then the subjects whom did not have focused goals, so we see that many modern theories of depression are actually based off of Beck's Cognitive Theory.
I alluded earlier in the paper to the fact that Beck's cognitive theory was less reliable in dealing with adolescents, based on Moilanen's (1993, 1995) work with adolescents and college students.
This study showed much more clearer results: «In support of Beck's cognitive theory of depression, the student's current depressive states were consistently found to be related to their negative processing of personal information» (Moilanen, 1993, p. 345).
Allen compared Beck's cognitive theory to the hopelessness theory, which was based on Seligman's work on learned helplessness and attribution styles.
Therefore, we recommend interventions based on the social cognitive theory.62 For example, social support has been found to be an important protective factor in reducing stress and depression and improving health.62 After the occurrence of a traumatic event, enabling function of social support can enhance self - efficacy, thereby promoting recovery from the trauma.62
In addition to its influence on motivation and achievement, social cognitive theory posits that self - efficacy affects the level of stress and anxiety that people experience when confronted with a challenging task or situation.
Adults with severe obesity (n = 137) entered a 26 - week exercise - support and nutrition - education treatment based on social cognitive theory.
The intervention is based on a social cognitive theory, protection motivation theory.19 The intervention is delivered to a group of 5 to 10 youths by a group leader with an assistant group leader (both of whom are older than the youths in the intervention); gender and race of the group leaders were not necessarily the same as those of the youths.
In fact his theory of self - efficacy, part of social cognitive theory, is fundamental to positive psychology and continues to shape thinking in the field.
Using social cognitive theory to predict physical activity in inner - city African American school children.
Using social cognitive theory to predict physical activity and fitness in underserved middle school children.
Still, few studies have attempted to integrate these findings within a broader cognitive theory of anxiety.
is based on Social Cognitive Theory, the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Development Theory, all of which have been used in other evidence - based prevention programs.
The idea that seeing smoking modeled on screen would influence adolescent behavior4, 5 is consistent with the theoretical basis of our work.21 Social cognitive theory predicts that adolescents are responsive to smoking depicted by persons with star status.
Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice Hall.
We utilized the main concepts of social cognitive theory and devised a hypothesis of the relationships between the environment, individual factors, and early smoking initiation based on the interactions between these factors (Figure 1).
Construct validity was investigated by comparing the five factors adopted as a result of the exploratory factor analysis with the elements of social cognitive theory used in the hypothetical framework, that is, environment and individual factors.
ii) Assessment of construct validity: A comparative investigation of environment and individual factors, which are constituent elements of the social cognitive theory used in the extraction of questionnaire items, was carried out using exploratory factor analysis.
Hypothesized relationships between the environment, individual factors, and decreased age at smoking initiation, based on Bandura's social cognitive theory.
Cognitive theory emphasizes a reasoned approach, while behavioral therapy uses training techniques to condition responses and help the person become more controlled.
Draw the Line / Respect the Line is based on several social psychological theories, particularly Social Inoculation Theory and Social Cognitive Theory.
Safer Choices is based on Social Cognitive Theory, Social Influence Theory, and Models of School Change.
Bandura A. Social cognitive theory of personality.
Drawing on cognitive psychology, Julie Baker summarized the role of «fluency» in human information processing.19 Cognitive theory recognizes two different information processing systems that our brains employ.
This section first describes the cognitive theory that explains how readability might affect decision making.
A. Cognitive Theory and Readability B. Quantitative Measures of Readability C. Prior Research on Correlation Between Readability and Case Outcome
Mobile Phones: The Sensei Way to Weight Loss Originally launched in November, 2007, Weight Loss Sensei is among the first «intelligent applications» available based on Social Cognitive Theory and the science of behavioral informatics — the use of technology to promote behavior change.
In addition, stratified cognitive theory supported stratified schooling.
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