Sentences with phrase «colombian drug wars»

Since 1995, Echavarría's disturbingly beautiful photographs and videos have addressed the consequences of the endless Colombian drug wars.
Restrepo's drawings reflect on internal violence and the conflict of the Colombian drug war.

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At the same time, the war on drugs was pushing coca cultivation out of Peru and Bolivia (which are to the south of Colombia), making it an even more attractive cash crop for Colombian farmers.
Many Colombians believe that they are its intended result, that the real aim of the war against insurgents and against drugs is really to get small farmers off their land in order to make room for development.
The United States, under the cover of the «drug war,» is also helping the Colombian military and related paramilitary groups to wage a systematic war against anyone identified with the political left.
The Colombian artist has been around long enough to become something of a role model for Latin American art, to the point that he has earned an acronym, JASL, and theirs is not the Colombia of death squads and drug wars for Juan Manuel Echavarría.
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