Sentences with phrase «community buildings framework»

«The new Schools and Community Buildings framework was designed to include the requirements of schools and other educational establishments as well as other community buildings.

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Building better communities Better communities come when governments work together to fund infrastructures such as roads, water, schools and transit that are the framework for a community's Quality of Life.
It is not unreasonable to insist that an adequate discernment of God's character as «faithful to promise» could take place only from within the framework of our involvement in a faith community built up around the narration of previous instances of God's fidelity.
Concretely how do Christians structure the priestly and sacramental life and evangelistic mission of their separate religious congregation, within the framework of their participation in the whole nation's search for a common basis for promoting the politics of democracy and of development with justice for the poor and liberation of the oppressed and for building a common moral social culture to undergird the sense of the larger community based on dignity for all persons and peoples?
The crucial question is whether a plurality of religious and secular faiths, each of which had developed its own traditional culture, that is, philosophy, morality, ideology and legal system of corporate life, can, through inter-faith rational discourse, create at least the basic framework of a common culture or common direction and scheme of values for peoples to build together a new dwelling, like the national community.
that is philosophy, morality, ideology and legal system of corporate life, can through inter-faith rational discourse create at least the basic framework of a common culture or common direction and scheme of values for peoples to build together a new dwelling, like the national community.
It is our common historical responsibility to build a genuinely human community, bringing peoples of all religions and cultures together within the framework of pluralism.
Despite the opportunity lost with the cancellation of the forum, AFSA and the VFMA will continue our efforts to engage regulators in a constructive dialogue of how they might work within the existing regulatory framework to best support and enable the producers and communities who are building local, transparent and fair food systems.
Building on a favorable national policy framework for community forestry development in Cameroon, the Rainforest Alliance is developing a model for community - owned forest enterprises.
HETV works within the existing health framework of developing countries to establish and promote health educational programs that will provide rapid and long - term capacity - building to improve health and quality of life, and will give mothers and communities more control over their health status.
Both the larger plan and this abbreviated summary incorporate three years of research, community engagement, partnership building and planning and offer a basic framework for moving the region toward a more sustainable, resilient, prosperous and opportunity - rich future.
The planning system has come to be a primary vehicle for this approach, but Professor Gallent's research draws attention to major shortcomings in the way that communities interface with local policy makers, with protocols and procedures written into planning frameworks seldom backed up by the necessary investment of time in building local relationships.
The integration of prevention and treatment has helped MHRP build strong and trusting relationships within the communities where research is conducted and provides an ethical framework to conduct HIV clinical research.
«Many schools are now used as a community facility and LHC has experienced interest from those managing community buildings who wanted to use the previous Education Contractors framework, but fell outside of its scope.
LHC's experience in providing framework arrangements for educational establishments has resulted in the development of a new specialist framework arrangement for schools and community buildings due to be launched in June.
The Schools and Community Buildings (SCB1) framework arrangement replaces and builds on LHC's specialist Education Contractors framework, which came to the end of its term at the end of 2012.
Providing fully compliant procurement frameworks for property, construction and the built environment in addition to community regeneration services, Fusion21 prides itself on making a real impact — whether that's on bottom - line cost savings for the public sector, or seeing a local community begin to thrive.
In order to maintain this commitment to unrivalled training, and in addition to the project delivery, Clugston is also adding value by supporting the college's students and organising visits to other construction sites and technical presentations on subjects such as building services and health and safety planning — proving that construction frameworks really do build communities.
So we started with first principles — it's wise to start with a simple framework — identifying core premises from which we could build a classroom community.
In addition to these frameworks, he also shares steps on how educators and schools can build digital communities with the rigor and relevance framework.
These Benchmarks can be used by communities as they build an LCAN, as well as by existing LCANs developing through the Collective Impact framework.
We recommend creating a framework to build resiliency and social - emotional wellness by which a school may pursue a safe and healthy learning community.
Teachers can use this framework for self - assessment; teacher peers can use it for collegial feedback in professional learning communities; and instructional coaches and school leaders can use it to highlight and build on teachers» strengths.1
We help build a framework of knowledge within the charter school community by hosting workshops and participating in statewide conferences each year.
Check out the resources on this webpage supporting the framework for building greater support and capacity in schools, homes and communities, so ALL students have the chance to succeed.
Resources include: definitions and frameworks; tools for assessing need, mapping assets and measuring impact; research and documented results; information on staffing, developing partner collaboratives, systems building, continuous improvement, and how to fund Community Schools.
This session will engage you in community - building frameworks that support the whole child and whole community.
To address this imbalance, stakeholders and the education community at large need to build a framework that values both career and college readiness equally.
Key principles include a broader accountability framework, with elements such as health, wellness, and discipline; language undergirding the role of community school coordinators; professional development that enables principals, teachers, instructional support personnel, and community partners to work more effectively with families, communities, and each other; and capacity building that supports community school partnerships and better aligns and coordinates programs.
The author also posits that the potential exists for educational technology to assist in building of community (the third element of the multicultural democratic education framework) in the classroom, provided that sufficient and quality resources are available.
Phase One: Exploratory (2)-- Building a framework for Competency Based Learning in Utah — Defining Roles — Establishing shared Vocabulary — Providing «Guard Rails» — Building community knowledge, early foundations, initial experiances
We must relate to the millions of animals dying in our nation's shelters while simultaneously building the kind of community framework that is automatically no - kill by virtue of its values and public policy.
devcom is a two - day umbrella framework for a series of events focused around game development, game publishing, networking and community building.
Through acting collectively upon physical or sculptural forms, the artists» create an alternate framework for an experiential exhibition, one rooted in the desire to build and present an artistic community.
Providing opportunities for independent curators and participating artists to mount fully realized exhibitions within a critical framework, TYPOLOGY seeks to build curatorial community and resources for the exchange of ideas on art and exhibition - making as a way to engage and inform audiences from all walks of life.
DIY ethos is a pretty familiar framework for any artist who grew up around a punk scene, or as a millennial — it's about trying to build a platform through community, not relying on the power structures that be as much as your immediate community for conversation, influence, support and audience.
Angelina Gualdoni: DIY ethos is a pretty familiar framework for any artist who grew up around a punk scene, or as a millennial — it's about trying to build a platform through community, not relying on the power structures that be as much as your immediate community for conversation, influence, support and audience.
In support of this, the international scientific community calls for a framework for regular global sustainability analyses that link existing assessments that build on the foundations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and other ongoing efforts.
The Rockefeller - UNFCCC collaboration is one step towards building a new field called Planetary Health, which provides a framework for decision makers in governments, businesses, non-profits and community organizations to ensure that their plans and programs protect the planet in ways that also protect human health.
While there is still work to do to achieve the Governor's goal of 3 GW of distributed solar and expand access to community solar, the order lays out a solid framework for the market that we can build upon going forward.»
The conference gathered climate scientists and user communities to collate their experiences in managing risks of climatic origin and to build a framework for future strategies.
This analytical report provides a brief description of DRR and then reviews a selection of tools that can provide an effective framework for combining the knowledge and experiences from the disaster management and climate change communities to build adaptive capacity.
Jennifer Hirsch, an applied anthropologist from Chicago, discusses the framework of «collaborative governance» for thinking about models and outcomes of community engagement for behavior change and sustainable community - building.
Available for virtually all building, community and home project types, LEED provides a framework to create healthy, highly efficient and cost - saving green buildings.
In advocating a bias awareness approach, the authors suggest, among other things, that an integration - and - learning framework be adopted that includes empirical learning, consciousness raising and community building backed by concrete action that would «allow large law firms to become sites of inclusive community consciousness building
The Ethereum community grows as the framework is built up.
«This training course will provide a quick and easy on - ramp for novice and expert Ruby developers alike to build Alexa skills, deploy them for Alexa users, and work with authentication and authorisation technologies — all within the framework of play and discovery that the Ruby community so loves.»
We have emerged from February stronger than ever and determined to continue to help the Bitcoin community build a secure globally accessible Bitcoin framework.
ColoredCoins is an open source community dedicated to build a universal framework for digital currencies on top of a Blockchain.
LYL, an ERC20 compliant token built on the Ethereum network, is an integral part of the open - source development and operational environment, along with sample code, documentation, developer training, extensive API's, collaborative community tools, and access to 3rd party add - ons, tools and frameworks.
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