Sentences with phrase «comparing plank exercises»

Comparing plank exercises, Schoenfeld et al. (2014) assessed the plank, the long lever plank (greater shoulder flexion), the plank with posterior pelvic tilt, and the long lever plank with posterior pelvic tilt.

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In a Journal of Strength and Conditioning study, post-exercise fatigue was lower in athletes who foam rolled prior to the athletic test compared to athletes who conducted planking exercises beforehand.
If you compare the plank (core stabilization) to ball crunches (core strength) you will notice the difference between core stabilization exercises and strength exercises for the core.
If you are worried about any lack of core engagement, remember that lifting exercises like squats and deadlifts, when compared to core specific exercises like planks, leg lifts, and sit - ups, don't train the core very hard at all anyway.
Erector spinae muscle activity tended to be highest in the side plank compared to the other exercises.
Comparing compound and stability exercises, Comfort et al. (2011) explored lower erector spinae muscle activity during the back squat, front squat, the standing barbell press, plank and superman on a swiss ball.
Aspe et al. (2014) compared a number of isolation exercises including the sit - up, side plank, swiss - ball jack knife, and straight leg sit - up.
Therefore, even when using low loads, compound exercises display superior erector spinae muscle activity compared to front and side plank exercises.
The squat and deadlift exercise produce superior erector spinae muscle activity compared to unloaded core exercises such as the front and side plank, superman and quadruped arm - and - leg lift regardless of the stability requirement.
Comparing compound exercises to the plank, Aspe et al. (2014) investigated rectus abdominis muscle activity during the back squat and overhead squat with 90 % of 3RM and in the front plank and side plank.
Additionally, Gotschall et al. (2013) compared the curl up with bent legs to a number of whole - body linkage exercises including the single arm supported plank with arm reach, side plank with arm raised, and mountain climber plank.
Comparing isolation exercises, Schoenfeld et al. (2014) assessed variations of the plank exercise including the traditional plank, long lever plank (greater flexion of the shoulder), traditional plank with posterior pelvic tilt, and long lever plank with posterior pelvic tilt.
Assessing different trunk exercises, Marshall et al. (2010) compared a number of swiss ball exercises, including the plank with arms on the swiss ball, single - leg hip hyperextension from the push up position with legs on the swiss ball, single - leg squat against a wall on a swiss ball, swiss ball roll - outs, and swiss ball rolls, rotating from lying supine on the ball and moving to prone with the upper body in contact.
Comparing compound exercises with plank exercises, Aspe et al. (2014) compared the front and overhead squat with 90 % of 1RM to the front and side planks and found higher muscle activity in the compound exercises.
Comparing Swiss ball exercises, Marshall et al. (2010) assessed rectus abdominis muscle activity during the plank with arms on the Swiss ball, single - leg hip hyperextension from the push up position with legs on the Swiss ball, single - leg squat against a wall on a Swiss ball, Swiss ball roll outs, and Swiss ball full body rolls from a supine bent leg start position with the upper back on the ball, and rotating 90 degrees until the shoulder and upper arm rests on the ball.
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