Sentences with phrase «conceptually related studies»

Conceptually related studies were successful in a large animal model.

Not exact matches

For example, after studying a list of conceptually related words (for example, candy, sugar, chocolate, heart, taste, tooth, honey, cake), many people falsely remember the word sweet.
Their study examined how creating images affected the ability to accurately recall conceptually related word lists as well as rhyming word lists.
Although imagery decreased false memories during immediate recall, the simple imagery procedures in this study were not sufficient to lessen false memories for conceptually related lists during the delayed recognition test.
Finally, animal research focusing on brain - structural aspects related to early care and the new, conceptually important direction of studying environmental programming of early development through epigenetic modification of gene functioning is examined in brief.
The study objective was to examine the effects of two conceptually related constructs, self - compassion and dispositional mindfulness, on executive function (EF) proficiency among early adolescents.
The correlation between functional limitations and disability was.41, which indicates that they are conceptually related but independent enough to justify their inclusion in the study as distinct physical health outcomes.
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