Sentences with phrase «cook on stove top»

You can simply just cook this on the stove top over low heat for 2 1/2 to 4 hours.
I used olive oil as opposed to cooking spray to cook them on the stove top and it was delicious.
No need to have it cook on the stove top all day.
If you're planning to use your block to cook on the stove top, I recommend simply heating it up from the start on the burner.
Note: Be warned, steel cut oals can take up to 30 minutes to cook on the stove top so if you don't see yourself finishing the whole box, you can substitute old - fashioned oats in this recipe (see notes).
You can also cook on the stove top or oven.
Cook on stove top for 1 - 2 minutes so eggs begin to set.
Can you cook on stove top with these butter like regular butter?
Hi, if you don't use microwaves, would you know how long to cook this on a stove top?
You can cook them on the stove top.
Can I just continue to cook on the stove top instead of using the oven once all the toppings are distributed?
Would it be possible for me to cook this on a stove top at a very low fire?
Not only that, there is hardly any work that goes into it... A little word of caution though — try to cook on stove top instead of pressure cooker, though I made it in the latter.
Plus, you can cook it on the stove top OR in a slow cooker.
Otherwise, it's just fine cooking on the stove top!
They're just regular rolled oats, cooked on the stove top but spruced up with some local summer goodness.
Do you have suggestions on how to make this using a dutch oven (cooking on the stove top).
I don't own a instant pot or slow cooker, so I just cooked it on stove top in low heat for about 1 hr and it turned out great.
While cake is cooking on the stove top, set oven on to broil.
The only difference is, instead of waiting for the bread to finish cooking on the stove top, you -LSB-...]
Didn't try to grill but cooked on the stove top.
If you want to BBG these I recommend pre cooking them on the stove top or in the oven to ensure they do not crumble on you.
I cooked it on the stove top and it was delicious.
You don't have to watch it constantly like you would if you were cooking on a stove top.
Occasionally (meaning once every 2 weeks or more) I had beans, grapefruit, plums, popcorn (yes, I had real popcorn made with coconut oil and butter cooked on the stove top).
Bannocks are essentially girdle scones, a type of soda bread cooked on the stove top.

Not exact matches

It's not wise to stick your nose right over the top of the blender as you remove the lid after grinding up a batch of chiles, likewise with a covered pot of chiles that is being cooked on the stove.
Cook bacon for 10 - 15 min either stove top or in a 375F oven on a cookie sheet.
Any tips on stove top cooking if our oven isn't big enough?
Frittatas are pretty easy to make — all you need to do is whisk some eggs together and and throw your ingredients into a skillet on top of the stove, then cook nice and slow.
It would have been easy for me to get frustrated and give up on the dinner but I just decided to make the best of it and cook the meatballs and zucchini on the stove top instead.
Rather than nuking the rice, I cook it hot cereal - style on the stove top for a warm and creamy breakfast risotto.
This roasted cauliflower soup has so much robust flavor from roasting the vegetables first — instead of cooking on the stove - top.
After years of making the crust the traditional way, this weekend I used my new copper plate and cooked the crust on the stove top.
I cooked it on top of my stove for an hour.
You can cook it on the stove - top too but it won't need nearly as long on the heat.
It should never be cooked on the bare stove top.
If the power went out we knew we were having beans for dinner that were cooked in a pot on top of the wood stove.
You can roast it in the oven (after searing on the stove - top) or slow - cook it in the crock pot and walk away (my preferred method).
The longer the cornmeal cooks (on the stove top) the creamier your end product (ie polenta) will become.
You can boil it on the stove top or cut it into thinner strips and cook it in a nonstick skillet.
Much like caramelizing onions on the stove top, a slow cooker can cook onions low and slow until they reach caramelized perfection.
Boil a large pot of water on the stove top and cook spaghetti according to package instructions.
after cooking in the crock pot I placed chicken in bottom of baking dish and poured soup on top... opened a pack of chicken stove top stuffing and spread over the top and baked at 350 for about 25 more minutes.....
Don't cook the topping to long on the stove the first time.
I usually cook salmon fillets in a pan on the stove top, because it is so mush easier and it can easily get crispy on the outside.
This is such an easy side dish to make, you can make it on the stove top, or in a baking dish as well, cooking times could vary.
I'm a former health coach, shouldn't I be advocating the way for dried, soaked, cooked on my stove - top chickpeas?
I sometimes grind the steel cut oats in the Ninja to make a more fine, creamy texture and it reduces cook time on the stove top... can or should I not use this ground steel cut oats for the overnight recipe?
Finally, it's easy to make this soup on the stove, but you should start with 4 cups of water and add more as necessary because more water evaporates in stove - top cooking.
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