Sentences with phrase «core codebase»

Another issue Voegtlin sees with Bitcoin Unlimited is that it has completely diverged from the Bitcoin Core codebase.
The Particl (PART) coin is built on the Bitcoin Core codebase and is hosted by its own blockchain, with plans to leverage SegWit and the Lightning Network.
However, the bitcoin core (BTC) developers have removed those patches from the core codebase.
He simply took the Bitcoin Core codebase, changed a few parameters (such as the block time and mining algorithm), and then posted the new creation on
Scalability challenges exist due to an increased quantity of actors participating in decentralized networks as they grow, bringing diverse opinions on future changes to core codebase, combined with a lack of formal governance structure that makes it difficult to arrive at consensus in an efficient way.

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When the two former Facebook engineers sat down to build their new company in 2008, they drafted two things before anything else: Asana's codebase and the company's core values.
A schism has developed between the team in charge of the original codebase for Bitcoin, known as Core, and a rival faction pushing its own version of that open source code with a block size increase added in, known as Classic.
Since it is an upgrade to enhance the blockchain's capabilities and features, the entire community — headed by the core developers — would transit to the new chain as the upgrade requires a change in the underlying codebase.
When our Kickstarter was successful we scrapped our existing codebase and audiovisual assets — everything except the core mechanic and the lessons we'd learned went out the window.
Bitmain co-CEO Jihan Wu, in particular, indicated he would only be willing to activate SegWit if the Bitcoin Core development team also implemented a hard fork to increase the block size limit in their codebase.
Bitcoin Core version 0.16.0 has officially been marked for release by developers, ushering in a host of improvements to the wallet software's codebase.
The «BlueCoin 2.0» client, based on the Bitcoin Core 0.13.0 codebase, includes several important changes, such as the activation of Segregated Witness and the implementation of hybrid Proof - of - Work / Proof - of - Stake - Velocity (PoW / PoSV) algorithm.
From a development perspective, the launch of 1.0 software solutions is an important step to any codebase, as it signifies that the maintainers are committed to the core features, giving coders a sense of confidence that anything they build won't break as a result of future upgrades.
The new format will be based on the «bech32» codebase and will prevent bitcoin cash from being sent to bitcoin core (BTC) addresses after the upgrade.
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