Sentences with phrase «coseismic shear stress»

The trophoblasts along with blood vessel cells were added to small dextran beads that were then spun around in a container filled with cell culture fluid, creating shear stress and rotational forces to better mimic the environment at the maternal - fetal interface than static cell - culture systems.
They showed that the immune cells could bind to the melanoma cells under shear stress conditions similar to those in the bloodstream.
Smaller crystals of rock are more vulnerable to deformation, and the shear stress placed on the rocks during the bending and twisting of subduction tends to metamorphose the rocks and reduce the crystal sizes, increasing their vulnerability.
Low Coseismic Shear Stress on the Tohoku - Oki Megathrust Determined from Laboratory Experiments
The very low shear stress can be attributed to the abundance of weak clay (smectite) and thermal pressurization effects, which can facilitate fault slip.
Coulomb's equation states that in order to slide one hand against the other the shear stress — akin to the force applied to slide your hands — divided by the surrounding pressure — squeezing the sand together — must equal something called the friction coefficient.
Of course one of the problems with it is there's a bit of shear stress on the cells which they have to resolve.
Previous research has shown that water flow exerts shear stress to remove the biofilm.
But for some reason, the San Andreas Fault and other interplate faults slip under very low shear stress, much lower than is required to make rock samples slip in the laboratory: The rock here slides when lab tests say it should remain immobile.
They also measured the «shear stress» or intensity with which the surfactant drags the water.
Because the blood in the 150 - micrometer - long embryonic heart is so viscous, the speed and turbulence of the blood causes the vessel walls to experience a high shear stress — like a skateboarder would experience upon falling and sliding across pavement.
In physics, shear stress is a stress state in which the shape of a material tends to change (usually by «sliding» forces — torque by transversely - acting forces) without particular volume change.
«This unstable state concludes with an actual labquake, in which the shearing block rapidly displaces, the friction and shear stress decrease precipitously, and the gouge layers simultaneously compact,» he said.
Following a frictional failure in the labquake, the shearing block moves or displaces, while the gouge material simultaneously dilates and strengthens, as shown by measurably increasing shear stress and friction.
Investigating the effect of spatially varying wall shear stress on lymphatic endothelial cell alignment and transcriptional regulation Eleftheria Michalaki, Stanford University
\ n \ n «It?s still not clear how the cells sense shear stress, and researchers are trying to unravel the chain of events between mechanical force and stem cell production in order to manipulate the process to make blood stem cells for transplant.»
The study is the first to provide a direct measure of endothelial monolayer adhesion under physiologic shear stress conditions.
When cells had mutations in NOTCH1, however, shear stress failed to protect the valve and, instead, the cells activated a detrimental gene program that drives bone formation.
Mechanical stress is important in the physiological functioning of many organs (e.g., stretching in muscles, compression in bones, shear stress in the circulatory system and in the kidneys).
Interestingly, fluid shear stress also modulates how tumor cells respond to apoptosis death signals in the bloodstream.
Our lab has shown that physiological levels of fluid shear stress desensitize white blood cells to bacterial activation signals.
This is a good way to learn to deadlift because it doesn't require as much hip and ankle mobility as conventional and sumo pulling and it puts less shearing stress on the spine.
As it pertains to knee problems, we need more hip dominant work to reduce shear stress and reinforce the hamstrings and glutes which support the knee.
In the case of lunges and split squats, narrow stances and forward lunges can increase knee problems due to tibial inclination and subsequently shear stress.
Do not insist on keeping the legs straight in forward bends; it creates shear stress on the sacrum.
Pulmonary arterial constriction causes increased flow velocity, especially with exertion, and resultant shear stresses further damage the endothelium.
Otherwise, turbulence dissipates rapidly as the kinetic energy is converted into internal energy by viscous shear stress.
This flow exerts a shearing stress on the ocean surface, which results in the deflection of the upper layer of water above the thermocline to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.
Joughin, I., J. L. Bamber, T. Scambos, S. Tulaczyk, M. Fahnestock, and D. R. MacAyeal,» Integrating satellite observations with modeling: basal shear stress of the Filcher - Ronne ice streams», Antarctica, Phil.
Joughin, I., J. L. Bamber, T. Scambos, S. Tulaczyk, M. Fahnestock, and D. R. MacAyeal, Integrating satellite observations with modelling: basal shear stress of the Filcher - Ronne ice streams, Antarctica, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 364, 1795 - 1814, 2006.

Not exact matches

Although the mode of thinking here is radically different from that of modern metaphysics, by following the lead of the new physics, it converges toward the latter in countering the positivism and the practically oriented modernism following from Darwinian evolution, with its stress upon «environmentalism» and «functionalism» as modes of adaptation within a secularized immediacy, an immediacy shorn of depth and ultimacy.
However, one has to ensure that the cells remain alive, especially if passed through an inkjet needle, involving considerable shear forces and thermal stresses.
In the words of Edward Kasner and James Newman: «Structural engineers, concerned with the elasticity of beams, the strength columns, and any phase of construction where there is shear and stress, find first, second, third, and fourth derivatives indispensable... «10 As will be noted shortly there is no limit to the number of a derivative.
The simulation reveals that the bifurcation results from the synergistic relationship between the Reynolds stress - generated sheared flow and the non turbulent - generated sheared flow, which is technically known as the «X-point orbit loss - driven» and «neoclassical» flow.
One school proposes that the transformation comes from a turbulence - generated sheared flow of edge plasma generated by a process called «Reynolds stress
As in conventional glass, stress rearranges the atoms into deformations called shear bands.
Without some bendiness, the glue might attach securely to each of the surfaces being stuck together, but the glob of glue itself might snap or shear under stress.
Perhaps most promising is an agricultural application: «If a farmer wanted to choose which of her trees to propagate,» Chin posits, «she could determine their relative tolerance of acute water - stress without needing anything fancier than pruning shears and a tub of melted wax.»
Experiments to date have not yielded evidence of stress - caused expansion, leading some scientists to rule out friction as playing a significant role in shear thickening.
«As the material approaches failure, it begins to show the characteristics of a critical stress regime, including many small shear failures that emit impulsive acoustic emissions,» Johnson described.
The secretion of the matrix, together with other products such as digestive enzymes, nutrient chelators, and adhesins, provides biofilm - dwelling bacteria with increased metabolic versatility, tolerance to exogenous stress and resistance to fluid shear [9 — 15].
Foams in the area of damping devices like in sports equipment or accessories which are exposed to high level of impact, can be manufactured with specially filled fluids called Shear thickening fluids (viscosity of fluids increases with increase in shear rate or strShear thickening fluids (viscosity of fluids increases with increase in shear rate or strshear rate or stress).
This means we increase the potential for stress in the spine and can increase the shearing forces in the discs.
In each posture, the connective tissue is either stressed, compressed or sheared / twisted.
The key is aluminum so that when enough stress is applied it will shear.
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Reynolds stresses for shear - driven flows.
IR and UV Reynolds stress spectra for shear - driven flows.
Pruning is not about topping a tree, stubbing back a crape myrtle or shearing an evergreen, Jim stresses.
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