Sentences with phrase «count stair steps»

Count stair steps as you climb them, and point out the names and colors of the fruits and vegetables at the grocery store.

Not exact matches

we used to count the steps of stairs.
I count the number of steps it takes me to get from my bedroom to the kitchen (18, in case you were wondering), and I can tell you how many stairs you need to climb to exit the subway station I use every single day (46).
Before you know it, walking instead of driving, taking the stairs, and moving in general to increase your step count will become second nature.
It records your daily step count, stairs climbed, calories burned, distance traveled, heart rate, and sleep patterns.
This year's model has a nicer Matrix OLED display that conveys incoming phone calls along with step counts, stairs climbed and other important health metrics, and the data synchronizes with the company's excellent iOS or Android app.
It tracks almost exactly what the other FitBits track — steps, sleep, calories — but adds in a new concept called Active Minutes and drops support for counting the stairs you climb (the altimeter function).
The little gizmos get nearly a week of battery life (even more with the Force) and count your steps, activity intensity e.g. running versus walking, sleep quality by tossing and turning, stairs or floors climbed and more.
There are four to choose from, all with simple and uncluttered designs — my favorite includes a little monitor for your heart rate, step count and flights of stairs climbed.
Below that is the step count and you can swipe to the left to reveal more data such as flights of stairs climbed, miles covered, calories burned, and active minutes.
The numbered stairs had me envisioning my youngest counting out loud in his newly minted three year - old tenor as he jumps up each step.
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