Sentences with phrase «countries tiny countries»

Hard Rocker Joins Fight for His Homeland's Forests Armenian «Stork Girls» Recruit Local Villagers to Keep an Eye on the Big Birds UNDP Projects Climate For 52 Developing Countries Tiny Countries Go Green

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The country's water loss is now below 10 % due to the use of algorithms that predict where leaks will occur, underground pipe repair tools, and a sonar - like system that pinpoints the locations of tiny leaks that have the potential to grow larger.
In 2008, just over 3,000 legal abortions were performed in the entire country — a tiny number given that Brazil has a population of 200 million.
Of course, Samoa Air is a tiny airline, based in a tiny country.
Officials from 195 countries, from giants like the U.S. to the tiniest impoverished states, agreed on the world's first global climate - change deal on Saturday evening, committing the world to drastically cutting back carbon emissions and transforming the planet's energy mix over the next several decades.
Per capita, the 10 countries with the most Inc. 5000 Europe companies — those on this year's list added more than 311,000 jobs to local economies — were all tiny, and Eastern European or Scandinavian.
(Believe it or not, six countries — Congo, Burundi, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, and the tiny island nation of Comoros — have higher rates.)
AB InBev, the world's biggest beer brewer, has acquired a significant stake in one of China's best known craft brewers, in a move that shakes up the country's tiny but booming craft beer scene and, the slumping beer giant hopes, its own bottom line.
Koryo Tours general manager Simon Cockerell says the ban by U.S. will not hurt North Korea as tourism is a «very tiny» part of the country's economy.
The north of the tiny country is still largely loyal to Serbia, and the people there do not pay the Kosovo government for the energy they consume, even though it is generated on Kosovo soil.
Granted, all of those countries are growing off tiny bases, with Vietnam expected to have only 293 people worth $ 30 million or more by 2023.
In one generation, this tiny dot went from being broke to being one of the richest countries in the world, without any natural resources, purely by strict execution of a great strategy.
With 90 % of Israelis driving less than 100 km a day — it is, after all, a tiny country — the range isn't a major issue for most.
With ISIS near defeat and cornered in a tiny section of Mosul, the coalition is hashing out plans to shift from military operations with Iraqi forces to what Anderson called «true - blue policing» across the liberated areas of the country.
That's tiny in a country with a then population of 980 million people.
It was her next job that would make her one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country: She borrowed $ 1,000 and quit her job as a waitress to start a tiny real estate company in New York City.
The tiny stake gained by American, based in Fort Worth, reflects the sheer size of the companies and reluctance in both countries to give foreign investors meaningful say in how an airline is run.
Even before the decline in international adoptions, only a tiny number of those children were adopted by families outside of their home countries.
New Zealand and Sweden win the ranking of nations with the most top - ranked users per capita (that's assuming we exclude countries with less than 10 top - ranked users such as tiny San Marino).
If the US were to run a positive current account balance with all of the other 9 largest economies in the world, the chance of the US running large, persistent current account deficits with the entire world would be tiny cuz that'd assume huge surpluses by countries that account for ~ 1 / 3rd of world GDP.
A new documentary captures the ravages of extreme storms and sea - level rise that threaten the tiny country.
According to a new analysis, the state's Riverside has the most tiny home listings in the entire country.
We bought a tiny Ford Fusion and drove it all over the country, sleeping in our car and sneaking into college gyms to shower in the morning, as we tracked down university career service center leaders and spoke to students and employers.
But half of the country doesn't have any money saved so that is a tiny problem.
Today, there are thousands of various market indices available representing more than seventy countries, from the developed world to the tiny frontier markets.
I've been collecting names of planners who primarily bill by the hour, and they are a tiny subset of the country's 310,000 personal financial advisors.
But the share of total spending on commodity imports by consumers, especially developed lands, is tiny while they account for the bulk of exports for producers, notably developing countries.
So in a country in which third trimester abortions are legal on - demand, our abortion discussion centers on questions like «So why are you against the removal of a tiny clump of rapist - produced cells?»
I don't mind them having their tiny country, I just think they should not do bad things to other people.
The same people who protest international support for third - world countries saying «we need to take care of our own first» are ironically the same people who actually want to abolish food stamps, the WIC program, free school lunches, welfare and social security in the US, never mind the fact that the people who benefit from these programs are the ones who cut their lawns, clean their homes, serve their meals in restaurants, and build their houses, all while going home to a tiny apartment they share with 6 other people and finding nothing to eat in the house but a can of green beans because payday is still 2 days off and there's only enough gas in the car to get them to work the next two days, so driving around town for 2 hours trying to find an open food bank isn't an option.
It began in an animal feeding trough in a backwoods town of a tiny, poor, insignificant country.
And its not referring to that tiny teeny country in the Middle East.
Since 90 per cent of the people in this country are never inside the churches, and since only a tiny fraction even of church people regularly read any church literature, some means must be found of propagating true Christianity.
On another occasion the United States surrounded the tiny country of Nicaragua with (a) twenty - five warships off both coasts, carrying nearly 25,000 soldiers and 150 fighter bombers, and (b) an additional 20,000 U.S., Honduran, and contra troops that were moved to Nicaragua's northern border.
In every single country where the Muslim population has gotten high enough, a tiny fraction of the Muslim population has tried to change the country to an Islamic state.
In tiny El Salvador, a country the size of Massachusetts, the U.S. government spent about $ 700 per minute ($ 1.4 million per day), largely on military aid, over the past ten years fueling a deadly civil war and in effect paying the military slayers of the six Jesuits in November 1989.
All of his adulthood was spent inside the perimeters of his tiny country, which was much smaller than the province of Ontario.
Just because there are a very tiny minority of churches that accept gay people, does not equal out the huge anti-gay religious movement around the country and world.
I've been feeding and clothing children in third world countries for over thirty years and have witnessed tiny children who truly are separated from God and I spend a considerable amount of my income trying to reach them.
(As CT has noted, that's a tiny minority amid 1 billion Hindus, but still sizable enough to rank among the 25 countries with the most Christians, surpassing «Christian countries» such as Uganda and Greece.)
Washington criticizes another 17 countries on its long list, ranging from enormous Russia to the tiny Maldives.
With these, they have now gained control of the most powerful countries and they, this tiny community, have become a world power.
Joined to the quest for social justice at home was an increasing revulsion at our murderous behavior as a nation in the tiny and war - weary country of Vietnam.
I recall that on one visit a government official handed me the World Hank's Bangladesh 2020 report, which called for the country to convert more and more of its tiny farms to large, efficient, export - minded agribusinesses.
If a tiny, resource - poor country like Nicaragua is able to make significant improvements in the living standards of its people after partially freeing itself from the clutches of an empire, then this will undoubtedly fill others with hope.
El Salvador is a tiny country far from the consciousness of most U.S. citizens.
Seven years after vowing to punish countries that restrict religious freedom, the U.S. government announced sanctions against the tiny African nation of Eritrea.
As Christians, we are reminded today that our ultimate allegiance belongs not to a political party or even a country, but to the Kingdom of God, where the first is last and the last is first, where the peacemakers and the poor are blessed, where enemies are forgiven and slaves are set free, where our King washes feet, where abundant life grows from a tiny seed into a tree — not by power or might but by the Spirit.
His company All Bhutan Travel focuses mainly on bringing people to Bhutan, a tiny country in South Asia, where sojourners «almost inevitably have a profound transformative experience... due to the uniqueness of the Himalayan mountains and the nature in Bhutan,» he says.
Maybe because we are such a teeny - tiny country it's actually easier to source UN-processed foods!
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