Sentences with phrase «cultural explanations for»

Once at HGSE, Mundy - Shephard credits two courses — Associate Professor John Diamond's Race, Class, and Educational Inequality and Assistant Professor Natasha Warikoo's Cultural Explanations for Ethnic and Racial Inequality in Education — with prompting her to consider how the intersection of racial and sexual minority identity impacts school experiences and educational outcomes, particularly in the context of bullying, harassment, and microaggressions and participation in Gay Straight Alliances (GSAs).
«Cultural Explanations for Racial and Ethnic Stratification in Academic Achievement: A Call for a New and Improved Theory».
Song compared two competing theories for how the status of the people we know affect our mental health, as well as two cultural explanations for why that mental health effect can vary across society.
Weatherburn D, Snowball L. (2012) Is there a cultural explanation for Indigenous violence?

Not exact matches

Ecosystem goods and services have most recently been defined as «the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well - being,» which can further be divided into one of four broad categories: regulating services (e.g. flood mitigation, water purification), provisioning services (e.g. food), habitat or supporting services (e.g. spawning grounds) and cultural services (e.g. recreational opportunities)(see here for an excellent explanation of these categories).
After this, we will look carefully at numerous texts from Scripture which are often used by Calvinists to defend the doctrine of Unconditional Election, and will suggest alternative explanations for these texts which fit better with their grammatical, cultural, theological, and historical contexts.
Another sociological explanation of the phenomenon is that the traditional functions of the clergy are not adjusted to the needs of the modern world and that the responsibility for the prevailing uncertainty must be placed on the Church as a cultural laggard which has not kept up with the times.
I wonder if «spiritual but not religious» is a bit of a cultural transitional stage in which it is becoming clear that formal religious dogma is at best intellectually unsatisfying, and at worst not only false but dangerous; and yet we don't really know what to do with that part of our brain that seeks magical explanations for what we can not easily understand.
Neither a cultural historian nor a theorist, Faludi draws upon her ideology for explanation.
Thus, we must seek explanations for the rising problems of that period in the cultural realm.
it is one of the better explanations for why much of methodology can't work due to cultural disconnect between people.
«It offers a simple explanation, with concrete evidence, for a very puzzling cultural phenomenon,» Caspari says.
Scholars had noticed a drop in male births during the 1960s, but they attributed it to data error «because they focused exclusively on the search for social explanations, and there were none,» says Song, like a cultural son preference.
Although the US - based magazine reasoned that the cougar - craze was a fad destined for cultural oblivion, the article offered up an intriguing explanation for the newfound popularity of older woman / younger man relationships.
Although the US magazine reasoned that the cougar - craze was a fad destined for cultural oblivion, the article offered up an intriguing explanation for the newfound popularity of older woman / younger man relationships.
Although the magazine reasoned that the cougar - craze was a fad destined for cultural oblivion, the article offered up an intriguing explanation for the newfound popularity of older woman / younger man relationships.
Despite this cultural prevalence, Deadpool 2 screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick claim they'd never even heard of fridging before writing the film, and offer an explanation for their treatment of Vanessa that hews remarkably close to the textbook definition of the trope.
These two theories, the former blaming acting white on a racist society, the latter on self - imposed cultural sabotage, have emerged as the predominant explanations for acting white among American blacks.
At the next meeting, the Leadership Team identified numerous explanations for differences in outcomes among students of diverse racial, ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
The fantasy that in some bygone era U.S. test scores were higher has prevented us from acknowledging other possible explanations for America's technological, scientific, and cultural preeminence.
Effective teachers of ELLs examine reading selections ahead of time for linguistic features and cultural material that may require explanation prior to reading.
Based on data from the European Social Survey for Austria, Belgium, France, Norway, and Switzerland, three different sets of explanations are tested: (1) hypotheses stressing economic determinants, that is, the fear of wage pressure and competition over welfare benefits; (2) hypotheses emphasizing cultural determinants, that is, the perception of immigration as a threat to national identity; and (3) hypotheses focusing on social alienation, that is, dissatisfaction with the way the country's democracy works and the nonintegration into intermediary networks (trade unions).
This polarization is a classic sign of ideological / cultural bias, yet your assignment of «correct» to one side automatically colors the rest of your investigation to only look for that bias on the opposite, Rep / Con side, and this is what drives the whole scope of your explanations above.
One possible explanation for greater prevalence of S allele carriers in East Asia is that geographical variability in environmental pressures has led to cultural variability in individualism — collectivism via genetic selection.
Even if there is agreement about a concern, the explanation for the cause of the problem may also be heavily influenced by these different cultural perspectives (Garcia Coll & Meyer, 1993).
A third possible explanation for success may be the cultural sensitivity of the methods used to implement the intervention.
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