Sentences with phrase «dla haplotypes»

Dogs with this one DLA haplotype are three times more likely to develop diabetes than dogs with other haplotypes.

Not exact matches

The graph shows the number of haplotypes found in a survey of each breed, separated into Class I and Class II DLA.
We demonstrated significant differences in dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) haplotype frequencies in six of these breeds: Cocker spaniel, Springer spaniel, Labrador, West Highland white terrier (WHWT), Bearded collie, and Standard poodle.
In the Springer spaniel, the DLA - DRB1 * 015:01 — DQA1 * 006:01 — DQB1 * 023:01 haplotype was significantly associated with disease risk (p = 0.014, odds ratio (OR) = 5.14) and showed a similar trend in the Cocker spaniel.
Similar haplotypes shared between breeds were demonstrated, with DLA - DRB1 * 001:01 — DQA1 * 001:01 — DQB1 * 002:01 more prevalent in both affected Labrador (p = 0.0002, OR = 3.06) and WHWT (p = 0.01, OR = 2.11).
Preliminary sequence analysis of the dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) gene in a heterogeneous population of canine diabetics revealed that one haplotype is overrepresented (84,89).
Association of hypothyroid disease in Doberman Pinscher dogs with a rare major histocompatibility complex DLA class II haplotype.
Forty one percent of the breed shared a single DLA class I and 62 % a single class II haplotype.
The same was true for DLA class I and II haplotypes.
The diversity of DLA class I and II haplotypes was low, with only 11 identified DLA class I and nine class II haplotypes.
Nineteen percent of the dogs were homozygous for the dominant DLA class I haplotype and 42 % for the dominant DLA class II haplotype.
Although the DLA region is only a small part of the genome, the importance of these haplotype imbalances, small haplotype numbers, and increased homozygosity should not be underestimated [23, 42].
The nine DLA class II haplotypes recognized in this group of English bull dogs were only a fraction of the 88 haplotypes that were reported for dogs in 2007 [51].
Thirty - three STR loci across 25 chromosomes were used to assess genomic diversity, while four STR loci were used to determine DLA class I haplotypes and three STR loci were used for DLA class II haplotypes.
The low number of different DLA class I and II haplotypes in English bulldogs was associated with an imbalance in the relative frequency of each haplotype.
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