Sentences with phrase «dna fragment size»

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TruePrime - mediated circulating tumor DNA amplification specifically selects the larger, more cancer - specific DNA fragment - size population from human plasma.
To test the notion, the scientists examined DNA from four lung cancer patients, isolating fragments that were 20 - 50 base pairs shorter than the total average size in circulation.
DNA Nanotechnology enables the synthesis of nanometer - sized objects with programmable shapes out of many chemically produced DNA fragments.
Like children running through a crowd, smaller molecules of DNA move faster, and the size distribution of DNA fragments can be determined.
The DNA fragments from cells that had been grown with and without arsenic were similar sizes, indicating that DNA from arsenic - grown cells is not unstable.
Size selection of DNA fragments between 90 - 150 bp yielded enrichment up to 118-fold, unlocking untargeted genome - wide sequencing for liquid biopsy.
The DNA has fragmented in an uncontrolled fashion, creating a mix of fragment sizes — genome assemblers must use fragment lengths of specific size ranges.
Additionally, we found an ∼ 10 - bp periodicity in the size of ancient DNA library inserts for fragments shorter than ∼ 150 bp.
DNA sequencers can not sequence long pieces of DNA, so the extracted DNA molecules were sheared to different sized fragments in a controlled manner such that when they are sequenced they can be reassembled computationally by matching overlapping codes in the reads — creating long sequences of the genetic code.
To test for Plasmodium falciparum DNA, PCR primers were designed that specifically amplify small subtelomeric variable open reading frame (STEVOR), apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1), and merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) gene fragments with sizes of 100 to 250 base pairs (bp).
Furthermore, due to the variation in fragment sizes of sheared DNA, insert sizes add further distinction for different molecules, allowing for read depths of 1000x or more after de-duplication for paired - end reads.
Library fragment size was verified by BioAnalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Assay (Agilent).
High molecular weight genomic DNA was fragmented in a Covaris instrument (Woburn, MA, USA) to an average size of 400 nucleotides for HiSeq2000 sequencing and of 230 nucleotides for SOLiD sequencing, respectively (Table S1).
As the exact same quantity of DNA was used from each individual, the fragment sizes were able to be directly compared between pools.
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