Sentences with phrase «daiichi reactor accident»

Our worst commercial reactor accident, at Three Mile Island 2, was said to be successfully contained despite a partial meltdown, according to the NRC's investigation.
In particular, a relatively new form of nuclear technology could overcome the principal drawbacks of current methods — namely, worries about reactor accidents, the potential for diversion of nuclear fuel into highly destructive weapons, the management of dangerous, long - lived radioactive waste, and the depletion of global reserves of economically available uranium.
A severe reactor accident is unlikely in the U.S. and other countries with safer facilities.
The U.S. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), in a report last November, related desperate actions by TEPCO crews to contain the reactor accident in the critical first week of the crisis, as they tried to operate crucial valves and instruments with truck batteries; hauled massive emergency power cables over flooded passageways where manhole covers had been dislodged; and faced a series of hydrogen explosions and sudden spikes in radiation.
The result is that Canadians — and the rest of the world — have been denied the chance to hear from some of the most authoritative scientific voices on important issues ranging from the Arctic ozone hole to radiation after the Fukushima Daiichi reactor accident in Japan, and even the effect of aquaculture on wild salmon.
Based on the J - value, only ten to 20 per cent of the 335,000 people who moved away permanently after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident needed to leave their homes on grounds of radiological protection.
Using the theory of optimal control, mathematicians at the University of Manchester carried out a computer analysis of hundreds of possible large nuclear reactor accidents across the world.
The hot spot is similar to levels found in some areas affected by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in the former Soviet Union.
Though not all viewers appreciated the film's unwavering anti-nuclear sentiments, it proved to be chillingly prophetic; only a short time after its release the nearly catastrophic nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island occurred.
Finally, the doses received from reactor accidents can fall into the range of occupational exposures, where excess cancers have been found with epidemiological data, when huge worker populations are merged, as I wrote in a previous message.
Serious nuclear - reactor accidents; 4.
Lead cooled reactor accident risk limited to the loss of reactor itself without effecting enviroment.
A reactor accident at Diablo Canyon would immediately put tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of people in Central California at risk from radiation exposure.
These include the potential of catastrophic reactor accidents on the scale of Chernobyl, the difficulties of managing long - lived radioactive waste, and increased likelihood of nuclear weapons proliferation.
And just as the atomic bomb indiscriminately killed tens of thousands of civilians, this nuclear reactor accident, albeit on a smaller scale, will be responsible for indiscriminate suffering and lives cut short; the consequences are likely to play out over the next several decades due to radiation pollution and the resulting economic costs.»
A cross-sectional study was performed on the adverse effects of sleep time on the mental health of children after the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent nuclear reactor accident in March 2011.

Not exact matches

These include adequate uranium supply (probably necessitating immense uranium strip mines in Tennessee), almost inconceivable reactor and waste - transport accidents, low - level radiation effects from normal plant operations, and the burden of guarding both radioactive waste and outdated but radioactive nuclear plants for thousands of years.
However, the fact that no serious accident has yet occurred is offset by the massiveness of the catastrophe that would result if the reactors safeguards failed.
But community groups are concerned about the potential for accidents, and environmentalists about the toll nuclear takes on water resources and the wildlife killed when reactors use river or lake water for cooling — particularly at Indian Point, less than 30 miles north of New York City on the Hudson River.
NRDC has long opposed relicensing its two reactors because of Indian Point's history of operational, safety and environmental problems, as well as the grave risk of a nuclear accident so close to the nation's largest city,» said Kit Kennedy, director of the energy and transportation program at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
After the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island — a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania — stricter regulations driven by public fear prompted TVA to shut down its two nuclear reactors.
During an accident, it can be critical because it protects the generators and pumps that keep the reactor from overheating.
A Chernobyl can not happen here — a survey by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) established that our reactors are free of the design flaws that permitted Chernobyl to explode, and in the United States a typical reactor core is surrounded by multiple enclosures to block the escape of radioactive material even in the event of an accident.
The inspector general's office, they assert, has shied away from challenging the NRC at exactly the wrong time, with many of the country's 104 nuclear power plants aging beyond their 40 - year design life and with reactor meltdowns at Fukushima rewriting the definition of a catastrophic accident.
The first thing to be appreciated about reactors in the United States is that they are essentially immune to the type of accident that occurred at Chernobyl in April 1986.
Modular reactors house all the components in one vessel, reducing the risk of accident.
«All the designs for small modular reactors eliminate the features in larger plants that can contribute to a potential accident,» he says.
As workers make progress in cleaning up contaminated land surrounding its infamous reactor, evacuees are grappling with whether to return to homes sealed off since the accident there 5 years ago.
China pauses its plans to build the most new nuclear reactors in the world in the wake of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan — but will not halt them
In a severe accident at Indian Point, where it was crucial to relieve pressure inside the reactor containment, high pressures could damage equipment required to carry out the venting and «potentially prevent containment depressurization,» the NRC said.
Despite the severity of the accident at the Fukushima I plant, nuclear reactor designers don't expect the same type of backlash against the nuclear industry as occurred a generation ago after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
This month, Finland's Olkiluoto 3 nuclear reactor was supposed to begin generating power, a tangible sign of the revival of the nuclear industry outside of Asia after nearly 30 years of no new construction because of accidents, cost - overruns and other issues.
The breakthrough could hold the key to cleaning radioactive waste in nuclear reactors and after nuclear accidents like the 2011 Fukushima disaster.
The accident could have blocked the flow of coolant gas and caused the fuel in one of the reactor's 6156 channels to melt and leak radioactivity, but it was 9 hours before Nuclear Electric decided to shut down the reactor.
They built a huge nuclear industry, producing both bombs and electricity with unsafe reactors and sent the waste to leaky dumps and accident - prone reprocessing plants.
Five years after the accident, however, robots are finally ready to enter the ruined reactors en masse.
«The Fukushima accident could have been a hundred times worse had there been a loss of the water covering the spent fuel in pools associated with each reactor,» von Hippel said.
Plans to build a new generation of nuclear reactors in Italy have run aground following the accident at the Fukushima plant in Japan last month.
But a malfunctioning safeguards system can itself lead to accidents if it interacts with other parts of the reactor, while a system that isolates the fault may exacerbate accidents by hindering the operation of other safety systems which need to interact with the part of the reactor affected.
This is recognised by the nuclear power industry and its regulators, whose aim is to make the risk of accidents as low, and thus the reactors as safe, as is reasonably achievable.
S.B.: Yes, I am keeping my hand on my heart to say that Indian public need not fear Indian reactors and if there is any chance of any accident then we will be the first one to say, «Close it.»
In response to the earthquake - triggered accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, India's prime minister has asked for a full safety audit of India's 20 operating nuclear reactors.
This raised the original rating from level 5 and puts the Fukushima Daiichi disaster technically in the same category as Chernobyl, although the quantity of discharged radioactive materials in Japan so far is about 10 percent of what was released by the Chernobyl reactor explosion, considered history's worst nuclear accident.
KIEV, Ukraine — In 1986 the worst nuclear accident in history took place when reactor No. 4 in the power plant at nearby Chernobyl exploded, spewing large amounts of radiation into the atmosphere.
In addition, 350,000 workers helped contain and clean the accident, and roughly 240,000 of these «liquidators» worked in key activities at the reactor and in the 30 - kilometer «exclusion zone» surrounding the accident.
The amount of fuel lost in the core melt at Three Mile Island in 1979 was about 30 tons; the Chernobyl reactors had about 180 tons when the accident occurred in 1986.
The uncompleted plants are the same type as the accident - prone Kozloduy reactors in Bulgaria, which even the World Bank says should be shut.
«The NRC's actions in the 1980s and 1990s regarding Mark I [model boiling - water reactor] containment issues significantly improved the Mark I's ability to deal with accident conditions,» Burnell says.
«The reactor vessel head could have failed between two and 14 months further out, that would have been a major loss - of - coolant accident,» says NRC spokesman Scott Burnell.
Of all the failures, human error among the 50 to 55 reactor operators who staff a nuclear power plant control room in shifts looms largest, particularly in the case of the most notorious nuclear accident in U.S. history: Three Mile Island (TMI).
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