Sentences with phrase «darwinii mysterium»

While other companies have much more credible plans (Brave's BAT and Mysterium are two I find compelling), the valuations of all of these firms are intrinsically linked.
Sin is a mystery in the fullest theological meaning of that term, the «mysterium iniquitatis», and we can not expect fully to understand how, so to say, we as humans can stand outside God's will.
«is experienced as mysterium: tremendum et fascinans.
His very holiness, his mysterium tremendum, is created out of his dark solitude, where as he proclaims, «Here alone I» have written:
The gods, at least, were real, if distorted, intimations of the mysterium tremendum, and so could inspire something like holy dread or, occasionally, holy love.
The immediate awareness of the Holy, the mysterium tremendum, ecstatic participation in the Sacred: this is language he can understand and with which he can identify, as is evidenced by his first book, Oriental Mysticism and Biblical Eschatology.
Third, to be open to the mysterium tremendum, especially now, can help us identify with the original Resurrection experience, that majestic and shattering sense that something radical had happened, that existence had been fundamentally altered.
Why care about this mysterium tremendum, especially now?
A Darwinii mysterium tremendum!»
To deepen your understanding of the death and resurrection of Christ, read Mysterium Paschale.
Buddhists speak and live that vision so persuasively that, in first meeting them, Christian theologians like myself are hurled into a state of such initial confusion that it bears all the marks of an experience of the mysterium fascinans et tremendum.
He is the Mysterium Tremendum that appears and overthrows; but He is also the mystery of the self - evident, nearer to me than my I. Buber's concepts of symbol, myth and history (of myth) are detailed.
Of course He is Barth's «wholly Other» and Otto's Mysterium Tremendum, but He is also the wholly Same, «nearer to me than my I.» He can not be spatially located in the transcendence beyond things or the immanence within things and then sought and found.
Such experiences as I have had at the Taj Mahal and the Dome of the Rock of the numinous were called by the theologian Rudolf Otto (1869 - 1937), in his book The Idea of the Holy, mysterium tremendum.
Of course He is the Mysterium Tremendum that appears and overthrows; but He is also the mystery of the self - evident, nearer to me than my I. (I and Thou, p. 79)
Otto spoke of the mysterium tremendum et fascinans, the mystery which evokes fear and awe, and yet also attracts and fascinates.
Pastor Weedon found a beautiful summary of why the Church Year is so important and useful: As the seasons of the church year make their annual circuit, the preacher has no other task than to unfold the mysterium Christi, the mystery of Christ.
There is a pressing need, he argues, to find the way out of contemporary liturgical banality in order to rediscover «something of the mysterium tremens et fascinans» of what the sacred liturgy, at its best, can truly express.
Putting on the death of Christ is the great mysterium of the Christian life.
We remark the curious fact that just as, thirty years ago, the churches had about succeeded in excising Bach and Palestina from the ken of the new generation at the moment college and high school choirs were finding them — and church schools, afraid of the recondite reaches of the doctrine of the Lord's Supper, beheld their children at school singing «0 Magnum Mysterium» and «Ave, Corpus Verum» — so, too, the preaching fashion, having become in large part the holy branch office of the local psychiatric clinic, is now confronted with «J.B.,» «The Fall,» «Christmas Oratoria,» and the considerable theological imagery in «Four Quartets.»
Mysterium Pasehale, 79.)
This emptiness initially strikes us as a mysterium tremendum, that is, an awe - inspiring and even terrifying abyss.
Jung's concept of «the shadow» might be worth some attention... as for fear, let us not forget Otto's «mysterium tremendum»...…
by R.A. Wilson and John Bowden (New York: Harper & Row, 1974); and Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Mysterium Paschale.
Nonetheless, the mindset that led the original ICEL «translators» to interpret «Mysterium Fidei» ■ in terms of a theological narrative to be recited, rather than as an acclamation addressed to a living person, does touch on some deeper theological and philosophical issues which have wider relevance and more far reaching implications.
Along these lines we can find a new development of orthodoxy which will bring out the full majesty of Christ as Mysterium Fidei.
This latter theme was prominent in John Paul II's papal writings, especially in Tertio Millennio Adveniente (Apostolic Letter, 1994) and Incarnationis Mysterium (Jubilee Year Bull, 1998) cf.
We did a little in - house poll, and these emerged as the staff favorites: O Magnum Mysterium Weihnachtsleid Good Christian Men Rejoice Listen online here.
For C. S. Lewis as for Rudolf Otto, there is no approaching the Holy except as the mysterium tremendum et fascinans.
Although I held it in awe as being sacrosanct, possessing even an element of the mysterium tremendum, I knew that it could be manipulated by the leverage of power.
In his analysis of religion, Otto identifies three universal and elemental aspects: the devotion to truth or reality, the commitment to an ethical position and the awareness of the Mysterium Tremendum.
When we experience the mysterious abyss of an indefinitely open future, this mysterium tremendum which is in fact the gift of a self - renouncing deity, we are tempted and usually succumb to the tendency to cauterize it with our own narrow visions of the future or of the end of history.
In his Mysterium coniunctionis, Jung described the active imagination in terms of the symbol - making capacity of the self.
Is it fear and awe — the mysterium tremendum — of ascending in heart with Christ to the throne of God?
But first we must go to the one who uniquely, and above any other saint, shows us how to approach the Mass, which is the Mysterium fidei, the mystery of faith - the one to whom, above all, the Holy Father is entrusting the Year of Faith as a «time of grace».
(Heiler, Im Ringen, p. 224; Mysterium caritatus, p. 418.)
(Heiler, «Der ganze Christus,» in Im Ringen um die Kirche (Munich, 1931), pp. 34 f.; Mysterium caritatis (Munich, 1949), pp. 418 ff., 466 f).
The future appears to us a mysterium tremendum.
I've felt the Mysterium Horrendum before — that, my friends, is readily intense and terribly horrifying.
[5] In the modern period St Thomas's thought in general was recommended to theologians by the encyclicals Aeterni Patris (1879) and Studiorum Ducem (1923), and the influence of his thought is apparent in Mediator Dei (1947) and Mysterium Fidei (1965).
[24] See also Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei (1965), para. 27: «by means of the eucharistic mystery, the sacrifice of the cross, achieved once on Calvary, is marvellously symbolised, continually recalled to the memory, and its saving virtue is applied to the remission of sins...» (translated by Byron, op.cit., p. 70).
Stripped to the bone, as capable of viciousness as it is tenderness, it achieves what seems impossible by creating a sense of the mysterium tremens in the body of a human - looking alien.
Here's Faasnu's shelf, featuring tons of potions and even the Mysterium Xarxes from TES IV: Oblivion.
It's not particularly gross (which it should be), it's bereft of the original's mysterium tremens (which has already spawned similarly soulless comic books and videogames — and one frankly amazing short story by Peter Watts), and it doesn't have any staying power.
by Walter Chaw Event Horizon approaches the science - fiction idea of a mysterium tremens, hints that it will be about the inscrutability of an alien intelligence — like Lem's and Tarkovsky's (and Soderbergh's) variations on the theme of Solaris, for instance, or that monolith in 2001.
Mysterium — Oh, if only this had been released in 2016 it would have been my game of the year.
Mysterium wants you to open up your thinking and become creative with how you approach the puzzle before you, seeking out small details and potential links that you would never normally consider.
If it sounds a little complex in writing, don't worry; Mysterium is incredibly easy to teach and play.
And that's how I woke up next to a copy of Mysterium.
It's a shared moment, too, because Mysterium is nearly an entirely co-operative experience, unless you count the obvious desire to prove your own smarts over everyone else.
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