Sentences with phrase «day vacay»

Nick and I are kicking off the season with a Memorial Day vacay to Grand Cayman at the end of the month — so so excited for another tropical adventure

Not exact matches

I had left the day before the sale for our trip to Aruba and am on vacay right now
Vacation Your sun situation: You're rarely a rays person, except for those precious seven days of vacay.
Took a 3 wk vacay to UK (no weight gain) and when I came back, I decided to cut the cardio and go with the pump program which is 3 days of 30 - 45 mins of weights (I'm in phase 2 now), 1 day of abs / walk 1.5 hr, 1 yoga 30 min, 1 day walk 1.5 hour and a rest day.
Hopefully these packing tips are helpful the next time you pack for vacay or even for your day - to - day beauty routine!
Let's take our little vacay for a few days hahha.
I used to only go home for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend (mom made an amazing Thanksgiving dinner; flights were cheaper for this holiday than Xmas; no potential of flight delays since there isn't snow warnings in November; it's easier to take time off if your company offers little vacay days).
After a long vacay in Florida + a relaxing President's Day Weekend, I am back at it... one of my first projects to tackle?
/ / Dress (i'm wearing an XS and it's on major SALE now) / / and Super Comfy Sandals (perfect for Day to Night Vacay Style)
I am planning on wearing this to showers, brunch, girls days, vacays, and basically anywhere I can get away with it!
Your trips / vacays always sound amazing... super jealous but you obviously work very hard so ENJOY your days off!!
Awkward timing considering I'm in vacay mode right now, but today I'm sharing a little work day outfit inspiration.
Today's my last day of school (yes, I'm as excited as the kids that it's about to be summer vacay) and I'm rushing around to get ready for a music festival weekend in Austin and Houston.
You go to pack for your vacay but just like trying to get dressed for the day, you look in your closet and feel like you have nothing to wear.
I know this is pretty cruel posting our Jamaican vacay recap on the coldest day like ever, but I couldn't resist.
Wearing a bikini is scary enough without feeling pale and pasty on the first day of vacay!
Something you can take with you on a vacay or wear all day when you're wondering the cobble stone streets of the West Village in the big apple.
A few weekends ago, my friends and I decided we were all in desperate need of a vacay and booked a short, two day trip to the mountains.
Bottom Row: X Revolve Electric City Dress X Revolve Dream Vacay Dress Ruffle Racer Mini Dress Strapless Ruffle Maxi Dress As Valentine's Day is less than two weeks away,... READ MORE
The shopping experts at share 10 trendy tropical products to give your home a vacay vibe every day.
To which I feel like replying (because I am not yet caffeinated on this my first day of holiday vacay), you know what, screw you, I'm unsubscribing and taking your books off my TBR list.
I'm lucky enough to travel monthly, so with this kind of travel lifestyle I often add extra days to a work trip to have a short vacay in a destination or add on a flight when I can to see family and friends.
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