Sentences with phrase «despite conservation efforts»

The Common Tern is most widespread tern species in North America, but its breeding colonies in interior North America have been on the decline for decades despite conservation efforts.
Despite conservation efforts, news on how Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) are hit by vehicles on Spanish roads has been reported.

Not exact matches

«Our inability to detect any baiji in the main channel of the river despite this intensive search effort has the sad consequence that the prospect of finding and translocating any surviving dolphins to an ex situ reserve — their only conservation hope — has all but vanished,» says zoologist Samuel Turvey of the Zoological Society of London.
Bornean orangutans are critically endangered, and despite intense conservation efforts, their numbers continue to decline.
Unfortunately, vaquitas continue to die in totoaba nets despite the valiant efforts by law enforcement agencies, the Mexican Navy, and conservation groups to prevent illegal fishing since the gillnet ban came into effect in April 2015, immediately before the new acoustic and visual studies were launched.
Sibley, author and illustrator of The Sibley Guide to Birds, says that he wishes the bird was indeed the much - sought woodpecker, and hopes that conservation efforts will continue despite his refutation of the sighting.
Legge also found that «cat densities were the same both inside and outside conservation reserves, such as national parks,» despite several decades of all - out efforts to eradicate feral cats from protected habitat.
Titled «Conservation in the Anthropocene,» the essay argued that conservation is failing in its efforts to save both biodiversity and ecosystems, despite setting aside an impressive number of protConservation in the Anthropocene,» the essay argued that conservation is failing in its efforts to save both biodiversity and ecosystems, despite setting aside an impressive number of protconservation is failing in its efforts to save both biodiversity and ecosystems, despite setting aside an impressive number of protected areas.
Despite the real gains seen in some species due to concerted conservation effort, these are outweighed by the overall number of species deteriorating in status.
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