Sentences with phrase «dianah ose»

I used OSE to download the inbound links and I'm stuck.
Great job and I love the OSE tip.
However, with the OSE metrics provided, you can now get a lot more creative with your BLB.
As a word of caution, this post shows that OSE only indexes in some cases about 2 - 3 % of the inbound links a website has.
I always use the competitions url and Wikipedia, but never thought about combining it with OSE and the knowledge graph data sources.
I suggest using Open Site Explorer to find other popular wiki pages which link to your seed wiki page by «filtering internal» in OSE;
GrepWords CPC and Search Volume Enhancer Grepwords has created a Chrome plugin that shows CPC and volume data in Google Webmaster Tools, Ubersuggest, Moz's Open Site Explorer (OSE), Majestic SEO and AHrefs.
The only problem is that most of the people with the power to change it back are now hom - ose - xualists themselves, infected with the same disorder.
The Lord God Almighty Himself makes NO mention of hom / ose / xuality as the reason He «removed them».
I believe hom ose xuality is a sickness, that only GOD can cure.
Is it because no where in the Gospel (Good News) Christ denounces hom ose xua1ity or is because he actually gives his blessing to a gay marriage?
And there is also «r - a-pe», «a-pe» and «gra - pe», «s - ex», and «hom - ose - xual».
«Despite almost a century of psy - choanalytic and psy - chological speculation, there is no substantive evidence to support the suggestion that the nature of parenting or early childhood experiences play any role in the formation of a person's fundamental heteros - exual or hom - ose - xual orientation.
The gay rights community should reject members of their community that promote h - om - ose - xua - lity as deviant behavior, such as NAMBLA's participation in the gay pride parade for example.
Yesterday, left handed people were tools of Satan — today, it is hom - ose - xuals.
October 7, 2010 at 9:00 am CNN it appears the only satanist, atheists, agnostic, those condoning and promoting the hom ose xual lifestyle, and those who baffoons the beliefs of Christianity are PERMITTED TO POST.
In the original Greek, the terms used in Corinthian's list of vices that are sometimes translated as «hom - ose.
Dear Sally — Hom ose xuality is not a sin for people that do not follow your brand of religion.
However yes hom ose xuality is a sin.
Fry and Rostow reported that, based on evidence in service records, hom - ose - xuals were no better or worse than other soldiers and that many «performed well in various military jobs» including combat (Berube, 1990, pp. 170 - 171, footnotes omitted).
Admitted to hom - ose - xual affairs.
Neither for nicators, nor ido laters, nor adul terers, nor hom ose xuals, nor so dom ites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor dru nka rds, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.»
Sometimes to their amazement, [researchers] described what they called the «well - adjusted hom - ose - xuals» who, in [William] Menninger's words, «concealed their hom - ose - xuality effectively and, at the same time, made creditable records for themselves in the service.»
The experts in this country are stating that heterose xual behavior and hom ose xual behavior are normal aspects of human se xuality.
Some claim, in Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he lists hom ose xuals amongst the many sinners who will not inherit the kingdom of God.
It can be seen that the reason that churches are against hom ose xual marriage is not because it is explicitly said by God, but because of a lack of instruction to specifically allow it.
In the time that the Bible was written it would have been impossible to foresee the future to be able to specifically allow or forbid hom ose xual marriage.
These passages in Leviticus can be translated to not mean hom ose xual se x generally, but only limiting hom ose xual se x in Pagan temples.
@Kermit if you don't believe in the OT you are right, but you say you believe in Christ, do you know that Christ NEVER said anything about hom ose ua1ity?
Hom ose xuality is normal.
Isn't it obvious that God hates hom ose xuality?
Jesus spoke of divorce, but he never mentioned hom ose xuality.
c) This passage does not denounce hom ose xual behavior as a whole, but just the specific act of anal se x.
Note also that, while the word «abomination» has been used with reference to hom ose xuality, the biblical interpretation of the word «abomination» relates to any act of uncleanness as set out in the Holiness Code, such as eating shellfish, trimming your hair, touching the skin of a dead pig (should we stone the entire NFL?)
What hom - ose - xuals do is filthy.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Counseling Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the American School Counselor Association, the National Association of School Psychologists, and the National Association of SocialWorkers, together representing more than 480,000 mental health professionals, have all taken the position that hom ose xuality is not a mental disorder and thus is not something that needs to or can be «cured.»
Voluntary male - male se» x in the US is at about 20 % of the population, btw, though exclusive hom «ose «xuality is much lower.
Hom «ose «xuals have much lower rates of true pe «dop «hilia (abuse of children before puberty).
The net worth of the Bible on hom - ose - xuality and many other issues will soon lead to this: (it is written)[youtube =]
But as hom - ose - xuals face prison and death daily in Uganda, I would hope, if this new Pope is what many moderates hope him to be, that there will be something more said soon than just «voicing his concerns» in a letter.
apparently hom ose xuality is quite natural.
People seem to be misconstruing hom - ose - xuality as lust, when lust is in fact carnality itself.
After deploring the fact that many rationalists took to irrationalism — with disastrous ethical implications, according to Popper — he concludes that» [t] his is what happened to Whitehead if I am not quite mistaken» (OSE 231).
They pusblished a diatribe in 1999 called «Ho / mo / se / xuality and Pedophilia» in which they erroneously claim that «Gaining access to children has been a long - term goal of the hom / ose / xual movement.»
With no sucrose at all (or a type of sweetener that ends in «ose») the ingredients don't react properly or cook right, so I always have to put a little in, such as agave nectar.
If you enjoyed my Homemade Chocolate Peanut butter you will also enjoy my Ose Oji (Spicy peanut butter), Homemade cashew butter, Easy Applesauce and Chocolate syrup.
Be careful, sugar and high fructose corn syrup often hide under the names of maltodextrin, dextrose, lactose, fructose, sucrose, glucose, maltose, basically anything that ends in «ose», HFCS, rice syrup, malt syrup, sorbitol, evaporated cane juice and fruit juice concentrate.
And yes, ose pickled onions are the best.
ose's Luxury opens at 5:30 tonight.
Natural sweeteners like honey and molasses also have a low PH. Anything that ends with — ose is to be avoided, such as those that have sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose, sucrose, and the like.
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