Sentences with phrase «dischargeable debts do»

Dischargeable debts do not disappear.

Not exact matches

If you're going to end up robbing Peter to pay Paul, I don't see the point of trading an unsecured, dischargeable debt for another debt and a non-dischargeable IRS obligation.
But did you know that student loan debt is one of the only forms of consumer debt that isn't dischargeable in bankruptcy?
And if the debtor does, indeed, bring the action to determine dischargeability, the debtor also has the burden of proving that the debt is subject to discharge - the creditor does not have to prove the debt is not dischargeable.
As to student loans and tax debt, please do not confuse unsecured debt with dischargeable debt.
While the CRA does have significant collection powers compared to other creditors when it comes to a consumer proposal or personal bankruptcy, taxes are generally dischargeable debts (i.e. they go away upon completion of the procedure) just like your credit card debts, bank loans, or other unsecured debts.
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