Sentences with phrase «divine kenosis»

The divine kenosis is for our participation in the divine plerosis.
When taken together with the biblical motif of promise, the notion of a divine kenosis may provide for our own situation today a solid and compelling foundation for a fresh theology of revelation.
The audacity of this belief in the divine kenosis has often been lost by long familiarity with it.
The conviction of a divine kenosis could scarcely have entered our consciousness apart from this event.

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Divine kenosis, she insists, does not mean that divine power is sacrificed but rather that it is relocated in a «relational love» that brings about forgiveness and awakens an ethic of care and compassion for others.
In «Kenosis and Subversion: On the Repression of «Vulnerability» in Christian Feminist Writing,» she argues that the «paradox of power and vulnerability» is best exemplified by «this act of silent waiting on the divine in prayer....
One word is deeply revealing here, and that is the Pauline word kenosis (Philippians 2:5 - 8), a word which Hegel explicitly employs in many of the most crucial and difficult passages of the Phenomenology, and that calls forth the theological meaning of Aufhebung as a divine and ultimate self - emptying or self - negation.
Jung's conclusions about an imperfect incarnation requiring a second birth of the divine child are probably no more heterodox than Altizer's talk about kenosis, 18 and no less valuable as contributing to a Christology for the death - of - God theology.
Beyond this, however, it does not seem best to understand kenosis in 2:7 as a reference to Jesus emptying Himself of His divine nature.
Yet he also insisted that Christ's kenosis — the divine self — emptying hymned in Philippians 2 — can accomplish what is humanly impossible: the emptying of human egoism for the sake of true charity.
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