Sentences with phrase «do children learn»

How do children learn math — and why do some children struggle with it?
How do children learn to be honest, respect societal norms, and act in ways consistent with the values, beliefs, and moral principles they claim to hold?
Why is it important to teach physical computing to pupils and from what age do children learn these skills?
Do children learn better when they are having fun?
For example, how do children learn that some people they hear about (Peter Pan) are made up and never lived, whereas others (the Pharaohs) were real?
What do children learn from media, and what issues does it raise for them?
How do children learn their mother tongue?
But how do children learn what is fair and what is not?
When do children learn to distribute resources in an equitable manner, and what do they do when it is impossible to divide the pie equally?
But how do children learn how to deal with sadness, anger or joy?
However, it is by doing that children learn and experience the pleasure of contributing to the family.

Not exact matches

As one Helsinki principal recently told The New Republic: «The children can't learn if they don't play.
Neural nets offered the prospect of computers» learning the way children do — from experience — rather than through laborious instruction by programs tailor - made by humans.
To do this, frame criticism as a learning opportunity by helping your child practice the skill or brainstorm what they could do differently next time.
... And my mother, said «Oh, don't worry about it, with your imagination you'll learn to fill in all the blanks,»» explains Corcoran, who was diagnosed with dyslexia as a child.
«The children in the group who did a task in a way that made them laugh learned the target actions more than those in the control group who were not laughing during the learning period,» she reports.
«With my children, I try to go out of my way to teach good values, and I think they're not spoiled kids — I hope to God you know, and all I know is I am doing the best I can — but where did they really learn those values?
Your motivations are kind when you jump in to help out your struggling child, but being too eager to interrupt her struggles robs her of the satisfaction of finally learning to do it for herself.
It gave me the opportunity to watch them grow and learn each day — something I was unable to do after the birth of my first child and for which I had felt sad and a little guilty.
Amazon isn't doing anything yet to, say, offer personalized learning to children using its devices.
When two students killed 13 people at Columbine High School in 1999, some parents did not learn their children's fate for two days.
Bottom line is this, keep it out of the public square; learn to respect others beliefs / disbeliefs; stop trying to tell LGBT they are wrong; stop trying to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies; stop trying to push bogus creationism crap (backed with zero evidence) on innocent children in the public school system; just stop pushing it outside your home or church.
Why do you you think you can butt into other peoples children learning but claim you only want fellow nutters to teach your children?
just like children learn to make pictures before they learn how to correctly make written language so did early humans.
Most don't have a performing arts program at all and children with special needs have a strong creative flair and learn creatively, not through traditional methods.»
So too are most people's actions based on what they did and learned as children.
Before they can understand the messages in the Bible (or any written or spoken thought), children must learn to understand language, but they do not need to understand words to feel and express love.
So, just because of the situation that someone was born into, in your example a person born to Muslim parents in a different part of the world than you, where that person took on the religous traditions and practices of their parents (as many of us do when we're children), and just never had an opportunity to learn about christianity and Jesus, again only because of where they were born... you contend that person is going to «burn» in an eternal lake of fire?!
I don't want my children trying to learn the origin of the freakin easter bunny.
And if there's one thing I've learned about children, they don't concern themselves with past regrets or future burdens.
It's a sad day indeed when American children are threatened, «If you don't learn to pray to Jesus, you'll soon to be praying to Allah.»
Instead, why don't you teach your children to study hard and get a good education at a «real» college where they can learn «real» subjects like biology and astrophysics, instead of relying on a priest or a minister to teach them that mythical being created man and the universe?
The King James does not say the children learned a valuable lesson from this.
This Bible helps children understand God's Word by utilizing the nine common ways that children learn: Logical reasoning; Visualizing; Discussing and debating; Learning with others and using interpersonal skills; Reflection or intrapersonal skills; Emotional engagement; Experimenting and doing; Kinesthetics; and Nature.
Most of us learned as children not to tear apart other people's toys, even if we have fun doing it.
In ghetto areas, typically, the criminal law is weakly enforced, the schools do not expect children to learn, and welfare has not required adult recipients to work.
But looking back, I have learned something very painful about our early parenting years — we sent our children a strong message that we didn't tolerate negative emotions, only positive ones.
Therefore, the fetus does not merely tend toward its own maturation, but rather, in order to achieve maturation, in the fullest sense of the term, it has to have an «other,» in this case, the parents, as point of convergence, as principle of unification and integration, as revealer to the child of what it is; and to the degree that the child learns to love with the aid of his parents, to that degree he is differentiated and thus revealed to himself for what he is.
With this in mind, Justin lists five things Christian parents often say upon learning that their child is gay, and why they don't help:
Paul Stufflebeam I don't consider myself a child anymore, but I do consider myself a lifelong learner, and this world, with it's science and innovation, provides new things to learn each and every day.
There is only one way it could not be, and that is if you decide that it teaches that nihilism is the truth, revealed here by the pointless failure of Davis's career, so that his having to obtain abortions for women he impregnated is just another absurd, annoying, and energy - sapping aspect of that, his irrational guilt instincts causing him to have to scrounge for money, and so that his learning that one of these abortions didn't occur is just another sort of misfortune, saddling him with sentiments that he will have no way to really act upon (it is unlikely the that the mother of the child wants to see him), and probably causing him to draw some kind of superstitious karmic connection between a random coincidence of having hit a cat that looks just like one he abandoned, and his driving by the town his child may be living in.
I have been in that situation, and yes, I did take responsibility for changing my approach to ensure that the child was able to learn to read like the other students.
If I am a teacher instructing children about how to read, and every child in the room has learned to read but one, should I just say «tough toenails, kid» or should I try different ways of instructing the child (that doesn't include punishing or killing them) so that the child understands?
We are all children of the great creator, (the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob etc) now all you have to do is learn to live together in peace.
What they do, how they live, who they love, who they worship or don't, what they teach their children is none of your business unless you are paying their way and given that you're not, you might wish to learn to focus on your own life and not that of others.
It doesn't stop anything in terms of learning and it doesn't hurt our children, it never has in the past.
Many experts both within and outside of the church think that there is much we can do to help couples and modern societies learn to hold together genuine covenantal love (a much stronger concept than that of romantic love) with the economic, kinship, networking and child - rearing aspects of marriage.
As a way of learning how to take alien points of view, this sort of exercise is excellent, and some children do very fine things with it.
She said: «We don't want to take the responsibility from the parents but I think it is important for our children to learn other ideologies and other viewpoints, but given also freedom to explore and challenge those viewpoints if need be.»
The Magi did not visit the child until long after his birth since Herod «gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.»
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