Sentences with phrase «do edit the choice»

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Right down to reusing some of the same footage over and over again in order to show that the day is repeating, I found certain tactics and editing choices to be quite lazily done throughout the majority of this movie.
Perhaps due to the choices to cover older works, they're more able than ever to produce intelligent, thoughtful, and informative criticism — while this article maligns their production value as no better than «the average Youtube video,» editing a video review to provide context via clips of the film is a step beyond what the vast majority of populist or even academic film criticism has done in the past, let alone other related films in the genre and in the director's oeuvre for context.
But it's also a frustrating, infuriating picture; one whose world view rarely reaches beyond the theatrical classes of the Upper East Side, one where entire strands are botched or barely even started, and one where bold tonal lurches and odd editing choices glare out, like someone did a shit in the middle of that tapestry you'd been working on for a while.
Yet the filmmakers don't just collect accolades, they help others with script reading, editing choices or just encouragement.
On the one hand, most people seem to agree that he did an admirable job of translating Suzanne Collins» popular dystopian sci - fi thriller into cinematic form; on the other hand, some of Ross» stylistic choices with Hunger Games (specifically, the disorienting shaky cam / editing approach) left many viewers feeling disgruntled.
Read my chapter in the newly published Freedom and School Choice in American Education, edited by Greg Forster and C. Bradley Thompson, Palgrave MacMillan for an idea of what we could do instead.
EDIT; thanks for the response, I bought a new battery (I really didn't have a choice) I had oreillys test it, and the battery is bad, but the alternator is bad, too.
Line - editing doesn't focus on content, but instead focuses on the prose itself, like word choice, paragraph structure, sentence flow, and so on.
Also, this series seems to release super slow, too bad as it jars with the extreme fast pass of the story, its not a good thing, but the story and art and all that, pretty good, the concept alone is interesting, and the characters and concepts as presented are good, but, these volumes are edited to a degree, which is odd, this is a teen series, so, why cut the swearing, why change the names, why doctor the art when there's nothing mature to cover up in the first place... not good choices on the part of the American release staff, though this volume doesn't have those things to such a degree so, maybe those comments should be for a earlier volume.
Not only do you need the right narrator, but you also need to edit the file and ensure that it works with your platform of choice.
Once you're done with each of the EssayDog ® steps, just click «Create Essay» to see your first draft, ready to proofread, edit, and send out to the college of your choice.
Proof - reading by my formatter and me before release and copy - editing on the MS I send to the formatter catches 99 % of silly stuff, and I do content editing as I write (if someone sees problems beyond punctuation and grammar issues, I'm almost positive that they're complaining about stylistic concerns and choices, so I don't care).
At Balak's request, I did a little light editing to his notes (English isn't his first language), but he explains his choices very well and with great insight.
But it then means that the onus is on the author to get to grips with editing and marketing, and those who've had it easy for a long time don't take to that as readily as those of us who've had no choice but to learn these skills.
At some point in our editing process, we usually have to get nitpicky about our word choices because the right words often don't come out in the first draft.
You can add dramatic structure through your choice of gameplay footage and the way it's edited, the music, pacing of your edit, etc etc... It's really important to focus and spend a lot of time on this, since most game trailers don't do this at all.
However, that legal writing centers may in part draw upon positivist theory does not mean that they should be the remedial writing centers that appeared in universities in the 1940s and 1950s.91 Nor should the law school writing center be offered as a proofreading, cite - checking, or line - editing service for students; though tutors can provide generalized feedback and answer questions on issues of small - scale organization such as sentence structure and word choice, legal writers must be responsible for the polishing of their own documents, for both professional and ethical reasons.
Let's Go guides, edited by Harvard students, are known for scouting out the cheapest possible accommodation and food, although they do include a range of choices.
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