Sentences with phrase «do stacks of papers»

Do stacks of papers line your desk?

Not exact matches

I left Elkhart with a stack of papers a foot high, thinking that this guy did not know how to make it as an academic.
I didn't know that was her project when she disappeared to the art table with a stack of computer paper and the marker box.
It didn't take too long for the words «red tape» to become shorthand for bureaucratic practices, redundant paperwork or complex time - consuming approval procedures — anything contributing to the mounting stack of paper, delaying action or postponing a decision.
You didn't show how every surface in the house is covered with a stack of children's artwork and school papers.
We always have a stack of paper plates for crafting and left over from parties and these Paper Plate Flowers from The Resourceful Mama are easy to do and practice scissor skills as paper plates for crafting and left over from parties and these Paper Plate Flowers from The Resourceful Mama are easy to do and practice scissor skills as Paper Plate Flowers from The Resourceful Mama are easy to do and practice scissor skills as well.
You could put a stack of scrap paper on the table and say,» I hope you don't mess up my important paperwork!»
«We don't have to hear Assemblyman Tedisco complain anymore at the end of session that he can't see over his stack of papers,» Heastie said.
«It's as simple as stacking pieces of paper on top of each other — it doesn't even matter if the edges of the paper line up,» Cao says.
«For me personally, I think Africa is still a strong contender for the split between chimpanzees, bonobos and whatever ends up with us, ancient hominins, but they are certainly putting forward a case in these two papers that is well worth archaeologists, paleoanthropologists, experts in the field, looking again at the record and thinking of if the African story does still stack up.»
No longer does the teacher have to deliver content to the students, or have stacks of periodicals or paper laying around waiting to be used.
I have a stack of papers of repairs and yet Chevy has done nothing but caused me stress.
Not too mention - IMO - the thin, light e-reader beats the heck out of a thick stack of paper any day - I'm surprised they don't cost more.
It must have been my mother, the cook, who was in the kitchen with the six burners and the two - bin sink making the lima bean salad and the asparagus vinaigrette and the all - butter shortcakes, counting out the stacks of paper plates with the help of my older sister - the two of them doing «the bones» as my father called it.
The screen sits completely flush to the tablet frame, and the white colour scheme really does look like a stack of paper.
TMW, I guess everybody loves going through a big fat piece of paper stacked together I don't even have one anymore....
A pile of books reveals that the top tired and well thumbed copy is actually a fictional book by a fictional writer; 5 well worn, aged box files are stacked horizontally on top of one another with such hand - written titles as Time Lines, Tide Lines and provenance; a home made page - per - day calendar, assembled in an ad - hoc manner from a metal lever arch and laser printed A4 paper with notes and images taken from the artist's notebooks including sketches, ideas and general to do lists.
His curtain wall of cheap plastic beads, his billboard - scale poster of a bird flying freely and his stack of papers, free to be taken home by the gallery visitor, have probably never looked so heartbreaking as they did here.
With that being said, if you can think of each day as a piece of paper by itself it doesn't add up to much but when you stack 365 pages together it adds up to way more than you ever thought.
Do they require you to jump through hurdles and fill out stacks of paper work just to make a claim?
While on paper that doesn't stack up to the likes of Samsung and LG, the real world difference is minimal.
It's piled high with a stack of paper, sent to him from people he doesn't know and doesn't love.
While on paper, it doesn't look like its speakers stack up to the HomePod and Home Max, its lower cost means you can get two for the price of one of the competition.
I've done some hiring myself and I know that with stack and stacks of applicants, each bit of paper only gets so much time.
Don't be the agent that gets lost on the way to a listing and then shuffles through a stack of papers upon arrival.
The truth is, even the neatest, most organized of us have clothing that needs to be purged; books we'll never read again; stacks of paper or kids» artwork that needs organizing; or maybe even an extra piece of furniture that we don't love but still have sitting in a corner because we never found the right spot for it.
It's where we eat, put stacks of mails and to - dos, save important papers... and there's a huge fruit bowl in the middle of it all!
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