Sentences with phrase «doctrinal statements point»

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doctrinal statement is the root to denominationalism, as Jon pointed out and if I don't want to be something, it's to be «just an other» denomination.
It would be easy for a campus ministry group to wink and nod toward their evangelical ancestors, pointing to a doctrinal statement that doesn't exactly say the right things but doesn't contradict them either, while buying political protection and cultural shelter through equivocation and virtue signaling.
I hope to bring out this point more clearly in the next several posts as I try to draw this series on Doctrinal Statements to a conclusion...
I hope you will be able to see that this isn't one of the dumbest things I have ever said, but it might actually be those who demand and require doctrinal statements who are missing some pretty key points of the basic Christian walk.
Some points on some doctrinal statements must be wrong, and we must not be so arrogant to think that our chosen doctrinal statement is 100 % accurate, while everybody else is in error.
Similarly, other points from doctrinal statements often represent key teachings from Scripture and can help guide our own study into Scripture, keeping us within the doctrinal boundaries of Christians from the past (See The Shape of Sola Scriptura for more on this idea).
I hope that if / when the book comes out, my point will be more clear — Doctrinal Statements are good when used in their proper place, but just as with anything, they can be very dangerous if used improperly.
This is really the main point of your post showing the problems with doctrinal statements.
Future posts will argue your second point, that we still need some doctrinal statements, but for purposes other than condemning and judging others.
While the vast majority of these doctrinal statements were created primarily for the purpose of defining one group's distinctive beliefs without condemning those who believe differently, nearly every statement contains points that are considered «non-negotiable» and which will cause churches to separate from others who believe differently, and even condemn these other groups as «unsaved.»
My posts from today and the next few days will be about your first point, that doctrinal statements lead to judging others.
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