Sentences with phrase «does legalized abortion»

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The strongest argument in favor of legalized abortion is not that a woman should have the right to choose what to do with her own body.
If abortion is the litmus test of a moral law that can not be violated by positive law, then all of the Western democracies that legalize abortion» and do so by the legislative rather than judicial process» are illegitimate.
Members support all the mainstream feminist positions except legalized abortion, arguing, as 19th - century feminists did, that abortion requires women to adapt themselves to the economics and the politics devised by men.
But simply making up numbers to argue for a policy change is much worse than politics as usual, and that's what these two leaders of the pro-choice movement admitted that the movement had done to get abortion legalized.
The Democrats are doing neither of these things which suggests that the Republicans are telling the truth when they say it would legalize Late Term Abortion.
Gorsuch declined to say whether Roe vs. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court case that legalized abortion, was correctly decided more than four decades ago, but did say that if Trump had asked him to rule in a certain way involving Roe, «I would've walked out the door.
Other promises that did not make the cut include ending cash bail for low - level offenses and codifying Roe v. Wade — a 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion — into state law.
Sparked by the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton that legalized abortion nationwide, federal and state governments have enacted laws that allow health care professionals and institutions to refuse to provide services related to reproductive health without facing legal, financial or professional consequences.
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