Sentences with phrase «draw tailbone»

Lift your belly in and up and draw your tailbone down to create space in the lower back.
To relax the lower back, lift the hips off the ground and gently draw the tailbone toward the heels.
Energetically draw your tailbone toward your knees and reach the crown of your head toward the sky, creating space between your vertebrae.
Hinge at the hip creases, draw the tailbone and the tip of the shoulder blades toward the sky, and keep the neck long.
When you lift your arms overhead in the pose, draw your tailbone toward the floor and imagine lifting your torso out of your pelvis to stretch your psoas.
And the fourth principle, Outer Spiral: «The Outer Spiral is emphasized on the front thigh to bring the legs closer together and draw the tailbone forward,» he says.
Keeping the knees bent slightly at first, lengthen your spine, draw the tailbone away from the pelvis, and soften your chest.
Place your hands on your thighs and draw your tailbone down as the pubis lifts.
On your exhalations hollow the belly back and draw the tailbone in.
Pull your belly in and up, and draw your tailbone down.
Keeping your hips square, draw the tailbone down and gently pull your belly in toward your spine.
Draw your tailbone down as you lift your lower belly up.
Firm your butt and draw your tailbone toward your heels to protect your lower back.
Stabilize your lower back by firming the abdominal muscles and drawing the tailbone down toward the floor.
Press front of thighs toward ceiling, while firmly drawing tailbone toward heels.

Not exact matches

Keep the belly strong, navel drawn up and in and tailbone descending.
Taking a deep breath, draw your palms up your thighs to your hip bone and arch your back; then exhale, reversing the movement, and curl the tailbone under while curving the spine into a «C» shape.
Draw the left hip forward and right hip back to keep the hips square, and tuck your tailbone to keep the pelvis from tipping forward.
Draw your belly in and tailbone down to stabilize your lower back.
Drop your tailbone and draw that thigh muscle up.
You should be able to draw a straight line from the tailbone all the way up to the crown of the head.
Continue to lengthen your tailbone toward your heels while drawing your navel toward the spine.
Breathe in deeply and exhale while drawing the navel into the spine hollowing out your belly and scooping the tailbone under.
To start the series, inhale and extend the spine, gently drawing the chest through the upper arms and the tailbone back, creating the tiniest of backbends.
From Tadasana, bend the knees and drop the hips, drawing the sitting bones back and the tailbone slightly down as you fold the upper body forward over the thighs.
Continue to press the shoulder blades against the back, widen them, and draw them toward the tailbone.
Notice if your ribs are starting to puff out — draw them in and root your tailbone down toward the ground.
Keep drawing your chest forward and releasing your tailbone toward your heels (just as you do in Child's Pose), getting more and more compact at your center as you create equilibrium between what's in front of your hands and what's behind.
As you progress, draw your belly up toward your lower back, your breastbone toward your upper back, and your head toward the front of your tailbone to round the spine more.
Draw the navel into the spine and the tailbone down toward the earth.
Firm your shoulder blades against your back, then widen them away from the spine and draw them toward the tailbone.
On an inhalation, draw the heads of the shoulders and the tops of the thighs up and away from the floor, pull your lower body up and in, and release the tailbone toward the floor.
Apana vayu, the downward flow of prana through the body, is at play, drawing energy down the backs of the legs and out the heels; meanwhile prana vayu, upward flow, keeps the heart from collapsing and supports the low back by lifting the belly in and up, creating a platform for the tailbone to lift up and off of.
It's most often drawn on the silhouette of a person and represented as a series of colored circles that run up the spine from the tailbone to the crown of the head.
To lengthen it, draw your front ribs into your torso, reach your tailbone toward your heels, and slide your heels higher up the wall.
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