Sentences with phrase «dugdale by previous generations»

«Don't cheat your neighbor by moving the ancient boundary markers set up by previous generations
Marriage and children and grandchildren are deeply longed for by most and have been taken for granted by previous generations.
Like all of us, Gutenberg (1394 - 1468) inherited a social and technological world created by previous generations.
Joy fills this moment as the promise handed on by previous generations draws so close to its fulfilment and the words of the angel Gabriel spoken to Zechariah are realised, «You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoiceat his birth».
I love the formality and classic approach to fashion celebrated by previous generations and this website is a great place to find stunning photographs of just that.
Sometimes the advice given by the previous generation (the one that was brought up to believe formula was best) isn't always good advice
The inheritance bequeathed to Dugdale by previous generations of Scottish Labour politicians is already difficult enough without any such disunity further deepening it.
The world's first archaeology dig of an old world monkey culture has uncovered the tools used by previous generations of wild macaques — a group of primates separated from humans by some 25 million years of evolution.
Enabled by their villages, women and men of my generation are finding success and contentment, reaping the benefits of hard work sown by previous generations of village - makers.
She used traditional German / Eastern European remedies handed down by previous generations to treat a broad range of conditions from constipation to psoriasis to diabetes and insomnia.
The idea of older men dating younger women may be what has been presumed right by the previous generations.
«Technology impacts powerfully on every aspect of our lives and it offers opportunities unimagined by previous generations and educators,» Whitby said.
Many people say modern GCSE subjects are easier than the traditional Maths, English and Science papers sat by previous generations, but could you pass these tests yourself?
As far back as 2009, when Democrat Jim Doyle was governor, Julie Underwood wrote that «the real struggle in Wisconsin has been in maintaining the quality public school system created by previous generations.
Much of the new car's vast range of abilities can be attributed to its new four - wheel drive system, a trait that means the latest big AMG doesn't fit the mould created by previous generations of E63 that we got in the UK.
The 2014 Volvo S80 picks up the legacy left by the previous generation.
The fourth - generation Firebird amplified the aerodynamic styling initiated by the previous generation.
These new 718 models were inspired by the previous generations of 718 racecars.
Like their diesel counterparts, the CLS» six - cylinder petrol engines use a straight - six layout in place of the V6 favoured by previous generations.
Fourth generation (1993 — 2002) The fourth - generation Firebird amplified the aerodynamic styling initiated by the previous generation.
This new body of work transcends the conceptual framework laid down by previous generations, and allows the art to flow into a narrative that shares its concerns to a public yearning to be further sensitized about issues that affect us all, not just in remote localities in which they were born,» says Francesca von Habsburg, founder and chairwoman of TBA21.
The exhibition also shows how this spirit in painting was fostered by the previous generation, from Walter Sickert to David Bomberg, and how contemporary artists continue to express the tangible reality of life through paint.
As Marco Livingstone has remarked regarding the artist's collages, «Wesselmann was able not only to make art that reflected his identity and the circumstances of his life, but also to expand on the advances made by the previous generation towards the establishment of an art that could be defined as specifically American.»
This contribution is made all the more important by a previous generation's omission of the west coast from conventional art historical narratives.
It's an old technique that was practiced by previous generations, but has been lost in the U.S. since the 1960s.
Speaking to Aleksandra Kowalik, a Polish lawyer based in the UK, she explains how the law does not express the most mature approach to such a situation: «1st February 2018 remains a milestone in collapsing of Polish honour and painting drew by the previous generation which fought for the free, independent and open - minded country during WWII.
Speaking to Aleksandra Kowalik, a Polish lawyer based in the UK, she explains how the law does not express the most mature ap - proach to such a situation: «1st February 2018 remains a milestone in collapsing of Polish honour and painting drew by the previous generation which fought for the free, independent and open - mind - ed country during WWII.
But many social psychologists credit Kahneman and Tversky with a profoundly original theory of the human mind, one that exposes systematic, unconscious sources of irrationality, just as Freud's idea of the unconscious was taken to do by previous generations of psychologists.
It supports 14 LTE bands (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26) compared to 5 LTE bands (1, 3, 5, 13, 25) supported by previous generation iPad mini.

Not exact matches

Millennials are no different from Gen Y, Gen X, or any previous generation when it comes to being affected by a culture shift.
But, as I've pointed out repeatedly, the startling fact, backed by research, is that these days, Americans, if anything, have more leisure time than previous generations.
A report by Young Invincibles explains why millennial parents are having a harder time financially than previous generations.
Unlike previous generations, statistically we're more likely to find a new job or start our own if we're not being treated fairly by an employer.»
On previous generation Apple TVs, users were forced to wade through a grid of app icons and streaming services by default.
According to Cornell professor Alan Hedge, one problem is that many offices set their thermostats to compensate for the heat produced by their computers, but today's more efficient machines produce far less heat than those in previous generations.
We have argued in previous articles that spending by governments on public infrastructure that would provide services to Canadians for many decades in the future is not the same as spending by governments on programs and services that only benefit current generations.
Even the Australian government (which ran on the last election of cancelling the carbon tax imposed by the previous socialist government; and they won) have just cancelled all government funding of solar and wind power generation.
«According to other studies conducted by Pew in recent years, nearly a third of all millennials — Americans between the ages of 18 - 33 — are religiously unaffiliated, a dramatic and ongoing change from previous generations
It is by their efforts that we enjoy a more extended range of activities and opportunities than any previous generation.
I think the cry for authenticity stems out of the reality that we're a generation let down by previous ones.
Scientists resist such revolutions because previous commitments have permeated all their thinking; a new paradigm prevails only when the older generation has been «converted» to it, or has died off and been replaced by a new generation.
In previous generations God has left the gentiles without revelation, only intimating his power by his gift of rain and of the seasons which produce food and consequent gladness for men (Acts 14:15 - 17).
This is illustrated by the comment made in the previous generation about Blandina, «through whom Christ proved that the things that men think cheap, ugly, and contemptuous are deemed worthy of glory before God, by reason of her love for him which was not merely vaunted in appearance but demonstrated in achievement.»
A form of corporate worship unknown to previous generations is worship by radio.
It has been noted by astute demographers that at the time the baby bust generation began to reach marriage age, the articles in women's magazines began to depart from the «Why He Won't Commit» genre to articles about «The New Morality» and reactions to the sexual excesses of the previous decade.
It is fashionable today in some circles to disparage missionary work, but care is needed in judging a previous generation by contemporary standards.
It should be said, however, that in each generation an adequate or partially adequate understanding of the New Testament can be achieved only by the abandonment of the «assured results» of the previous generation and by the fresh creation of openness to the text and to what it may say.
Since fashions change, the contrasts developed by one generation often differ from those emphasized by the previous one; but it can be shown that underlying a good deal of study supposedly analytical in nature there is a very simple set of antitheses which are supposed to be self - evident.
Seeds are obtained from the highest quality cobs harvested the previous year, unaltered and descended directly from those used generations ago by our ancestors.
This premium Virgin Coconut Oil is handcrafted by family producers in the Philippines using traditional methods passed down from previous generations.
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