Sentences with phrase «during these cool spells»

Another inspiration to take my starter out of the refrigerator, feed it and make some bread, pizza and pancakes this weekend during our cool spell in the N.W..
During these cool spells, the cells slowed down their motion.
I agree that not only does the atmospheric height increase when the sun is active but also the tropopause rises during a warming spell and falls during a cooling spell.

Not exact matches

Keeping their coat wet during any hot spells also provides effective cooling.
The mall, which is already set up to function as a place of refuge during emergencies, could also provide power to other places of refuge for medical services, warming during a dangerous cold spell or cooling during a heat wave.
ii) Cooler oceans allow more CO2 to be retained by the oceans which then become more acidic (less alakaline) as during the colder spells in the early 20th century and the middle 20th century.
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