Sentences with phrase «es cell state»

Here we use a transgenic allele designed to detect low level transcription in the primitive endoderm lineage as a tool to identify an immediate early endoderm - like ES cell state.
The three transcription factors Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog are central to pluripotency, but recent studies suggest that additional proteins join forces with this triumvirate to bring about the ES cell state.

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The ultimate goal of our laboratory is to generate ES - like cells directly from somatic cells by nuclear reprogramming... which converts adult cells back into embryonic state.
The first page of Larsen's Human Embryology states that, `... [W] e begin our description of the developing human with the formation and differentiation of the male and female sex cells or gametes [sperm and egg], which will unite at fertilisation to initiate the embryonic development of a new individual».
The 2015 regulations state that hospitals planning to carry out stem - cell clinical work must use government - certified ES - cell lines and pass hospital - review procedures.
«Using this cell line allows us to separate 2 - cell - like cells from the ES cells in the culture by collecting the green cells which have entered the 2 - cell like state.
Since last year, teams in Italy, Scotland, and the United States have reported deriving ES cell lines from human parthenotes, although none of the lines is well studied.
Now researchers led by the Wellcome Trust - Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute have managed to induce a ground state by rewiring the genetic circuitry in human embryonic stem (ES) cells and in adult cells that have been induced into a pluripotent state.
Outside the United States, the picture isn't much prettier: In 2007, ES Cell International in Singapore ditched its ESC therapy programs.
Critical issues include: (i) heterogeneity in stem cell populations (ii) regulation of cell fate choices; (iii) declining tissue performance with age and exposure to environmental injuries; (iv) the use of iPS and Embryonic Stem (ES) cells, and reprogramming methods for phenotyping disease states and potential use of these stem cells in the clinic.
The Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA - E) is funding research into solid - state materials for improved batteries and fuel cells.
In light of the observation that iPS cell derivation takes place under the same culture conditions used for ES cells [20], we hypothesized that these human feeder cells could offer a stable tool for defining molecular hallmarks during conversion of differentiated somatic cells to the pluripotent state.
In addition, their independence of LIF for iPS cell culture provides an opportunity to further understand the ground state of ES cell self - renewal proposed by Ying et al. [21].
Our unpublished data show that HFF cells can support derivation and culture of mouse ES cells in an undifferentiated state without exogenous LIF for more than 30 passages.
«Deficient neuron - microglia signaling results in impaired functional brain connectivity and social behavior» Y. Zhan, R.C. Paolicelli, F. Sforazzini, L. Weinhard, G. Bolasco, F. Pagani, A. L. Vyssotski, A. Bifone, A. Gozzi, D. Ragozzino, C.T. Gross Nature Neuroscience 17 (3), 400-4006 (2014) «USPIO - loaded Red Blood Cells as a biomimetic MR contrast agent: a relaxometric study» A. Boni, D. Ceratti, A. Antonelli, C. Sfara, M. Magnani, E. Manuali, S. Salamida, A. Gozzi, and A. Bifone Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 9, 229 - 236 (2014) «Distributed BOLD and CBV - weighted resting - state networks in the mouse brain» F. Sforazzini, A.J. Schwarz, A. Galbusera, A. Bifone, and A. Gozzi NeuroImage 87, 403 - 415 (2014) «Antimicrobial peptides design by evolutionary multiobject optimization» G. Maccari, M. Di Luca, R. Nifosì, F. Caldarelli, G. Signore, C. Boccardi, and A. Bifone PloS Computational Biology 9 (9): e1003212 (2013) «Differential effect of orexin - 1 and crf - 1 antagonism on stress circuits: a fMRI study in the rat with the pharmacological stressor yohimbine» A. Gozzi, S: Lepore, E: Merlo Pich, and A. Bifone Neuropsychopharmacology 38 (11): 2120 - 2130 (2013) «Water dispersal and functionalization of hydrophobic iron oxide nanoparticles with lipid - modified poly (amidoamine) dendrimers» A. Boni, L. Albertazzi, C. Innocenti, M. Gemmi, and A. Bifone.
In this way embryo - derived stem cell lines and ES cell differentiation may be providing access to potential «transition states,» required for lineage specification in vivo.
Indeed this sort of model has been used to explain the existence of a stable attractor and associated lineage primed states in EML cells, a haematopoietic progenitor cell line [54], and as the basis for heterogeneity in Nanog expression in ES cells [11].
This suggests that the behaviour of transcriptional networks downstream of Nanog, FGF signalling, and other key ES cell regulators produce an attractor or attractor states occupied by these cell types.
The notion that a Nanog positive, ICM - like population of high probability self - renewing cells is a developmental ground state is supported by the expansion of this state in the presence of a blockade on the major signalling pathways known to promote ES cell differentiation, the MAP kinase / ERK cascade and GSK3β [42], [50].
Elevated levels of Nanog are also associated with a reduced probability of differentiation leading to the suggestion that ES cells exist in equilibrium between a stable self - renewing, ICM - like state referred to as the «ground state» and a transient metastable intermediate that is both able to revert to the self - renewing state or proceed into differentiation [8], [11], [47].
Taken together our data support a model in which ES cell culture has trapped a set of interconvertible cell states reminiscent of the early stages in blastocyst differentiation that may exist only transiently in the early embryo.
These cells can be isolated based on the expression of an amplified Hex Venus transgene and SSEA - 1 (V+S +) and exist under ES cell conditions in a steady - state equilibrium with at least one other more ICM - like cell state, V − S +.
However, when maintained in ES cell culture, cells transit between these states.
As these targets appeared conserved in evolution, it would seem likely that they are not specific to ES cells and that the same low - level expression states might exist for a limited window of time in vivo.
In both instances, the ICM state appears to express higher levels of Nanog and this observation is consistent with the heterogeneous expression of Nanog reporter ES cells [8], [12].
We show that the fraction of cells present within this state is influenced by factors that both promote and suppress primitive endoderm differentiation, but conditions that support ES cell self - renewal prevent their progression into differentiation and support an equilibrium between this state and at least one other that resembles the Nanog positive inner cell mass of the mammalian blastocysts.
Hierarchical clustering organized samples according to differentiation stages, with undifferentiated ES cells and early differentiation states at the left and progressively more differentiated states toward the right.
Lineage commitment in the mammalian embryo is most often depicted as a series of binary choices between alternate cell states, and increasing evidence supports the hypothesis that fate decisions in embryonic stem (ES) cell cultures reflect these developmental processes [1].
The team, headed by professor Juan Carlos Ispizúa Belmonte, Ph.D., of the Gene Expression Laboratory and including professor Fred Gage, Ph.D., of the Laboratory of Genetics, demonstrates how a DNA - binding protein called Nanog coaxes mouse ES cells trying to differentiate into muscle cells back into an immature state.
«With the displays already costing US$ 300, if the machine has an Intel Core i7 series processor and chipset, another US$ 230 will be added to the cost, and with other component costs — motherboard about US$ 50 - 60; 6 - cell battery about US$ 40; solid state drive (SSD) about US$ 110; chassis and internal parts about US$ 80; and Windows 8 about US$ 90, the total BOM is estimated to reach about US$ 900 excluding e shipments, retail channel distribution and marketing,» revealed sources to Digitimes.
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