Sentences with phrase «estate than any other reason»

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then if nothing on your ad page attracts the client within milliseconds, they turn the page again and you are done and over with, ready to be fish - wrapping paper, while if there are other ads on the page, or some article text, it gives the reader a reason to stop at that page, and then your ad has a higher visibility and ability to intrigue the customer, giving it several times the mental real estate and visibility than an ad costing thrice as much.
For me, I like real estate more than stocks because it's tangible, and many other reasons I've already mentioned.
It's the reason why I'm so much more comfortable investing in physical real estate than any other investment.
When the driver is the spouse of the deceased passenger, in most instances, someone other than the spouse will become the representative of the estate, for obvious reasons.
If your estate is worth less than $ 11.2 million, your loved one's won't have to worry about the IRS or federal estate taxes, but you may want to create a trust for other reasons like leaving an inheritance behind, or planning for state inheritance taxes.
«The reason is that real estate embraced technology later than other industries,» says Morey of Equity Office.
This also works for other things than just real estate, which is one reason I would recommend keeping a personal journal.
Another time and another place — and my current posts are worth newbies» reading if for no other reason than to have a little history on events and how the real estate world functioned at that time.
I don't see any reason to invest in anything other than real estate.
If you're making $ 120,000 / year with roommates or the other half of a duplex paying for your housing expenses and you're living frugally on less than half your income while paying off debt, there's no reason you couldn't be financially free through real estate in 10 years once all that extra savings starts piling up for you to invest it.
There's a reason more high achieving real estate investors trust Carrot with their online lead generation than any other platform.
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