Sentences with phrase «earth hour within»

Oddly, a likely ally of Earth Hour within the White House is council head Nancy Sutley, former deputy mayor of Los Angeles, which last year was a flagship city in the event.

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It is our technical progress that now brings any one spot on the globe within a few hours» travel of every other spot, which makes it possible to send messages to all the earth at once and which makes no spot safe or secure against aggression.
For whatever reason, one of these men or women could decide tomorrow to wage nuclear war and within 24 hours all human life on earth could be snuffed out.
Such capabilities would allow it to deliver explosives anywhere on Earth within one or two hours.
The cantankerous Psammead promises its audience that their fantastical wishes can come true - and then brings them crashing down to earth within a few hours.
Within a few hours, a superflare on the sun could fry Earth and begin disintegrating the ozone layer (see # 2).
In October 2014 the U.S. Air Force's X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle — 3 returned from a mission where some analysts believe it was testing technologies for hypersonic missiles — weapons capable of hitting any target on Earth within an hour — and, possibly, techniques for repairing or disabling satellites.
Spending a few hours per star, TPF will be able to find every Earth - size or larger planet within habitable distance of its sun — 50 million to 200 million miles for an average - size star — for each of the nearest few hundred stars.
The geomagnetic storm passed within 24 hours or so but, while it was ongoing, the solar particles and magnetic fields caused the release of particles already trapped near Earth.
Similarly, within 48 hours of the quake, the country's network of around 1200 GPS stations revealed that Earth's crust in central Honshu had shifted some 4 metres eastward following the release of strain along the fault.
Through the Advanced Scientific Computing Research Leadership Computing Challenge program, Thornton's team was awarded 85 million compute hours to improve the Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) effort, a project sponsored by Earth System Modeling program within DOE's Office of Biological and Environmental Research.
These turbulent events also send out a burst of solar wind — energetic subatomic particles — that strikes Earth's magnetic field within 21 hours, creating a geomagnetic storm.
Geophysicist Doug Robertson of the University of Colorado at Boulder theorizes that the impact heated the Earth's atmosphere, causing most big dinosaurs to die within hours [source: Robertson].
The universe fired two warning shots across the Earth's bow within the same 24 - hour period this past week.
The role of Jericho Kane offered Arnie his first stab at grizzled and broken, a godless man up against Gabriel Byrne's petrol - pissing Lucifer, visiting earth to sire a son within the one - hour window circumscribed by Rod Steiger's stoup of mentally ill exposition.
Within hours after seeing him I got the idea for a story about a very vital young woman who would fall in love with the earth.
Within hours of the announcement by scientists in the US that 2017 was at least the third warmest year recorded, if not the second, over the Earth's land and oceans, there comes a further revelation: 2017 was also the warmest year on record for the global oceans.
I can't find a single person who will affirm that all the effects within a 24 hour day, including massive temperature fluctuations between day and night, is due to one rotation of the planet and that these days never, ever fall out of step with rotations.The ideology which contemporaries have inherited from the late 17th century is that the Earth's rotation falls out of step with 24 hour days to the tune of 4 extra rotations in 4 years by virtue of an utterly stupid idea that the planet's daily and orbital motions can be modeled directly from a rotating celestial sphere of Ra / Dec observing.
It is widely known within the energy community that there is enough solar energy reaching the earth each hour to power the world economy for one year, but few people know that the heat in the upper six miles of the earth's crust contains 50,000 times as much energy as found in all the world's oil and gas reserves combined.
The March 2011, 8.9 - magnitude quake off the coast of Japan that caused a tsunami, waves that reached California within twelve hours, moved the island of Japan by about eight feet, and shifted the Earth on its axis by about four inches, this is an example of the magnitude of natural forces — mostly unappreciated by humanity — that are continuously shaping Earth's climate.
See where NASA's 16 Earth - orbiting satellites are right now, and learn how their data can be viewed on your phone, often within hours of being collected.
Within hours of arriving in Seoul I delivered to a representative of President Moon an open letter signed by climate scientist James Hansen, Whole Earth Catalog founder Stewart Brand, Pulitzer Prize - winning historian Richard Rhodes, and dozens of other climate and environmental experts, warning of the impacts of a nuclear phase - out.
The heat capacity of the atmosphere and earth's surface is so low, that it varies drastically within a few hours every day.
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