Sentences with phrase «earth by conduction»

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While the Earth loses most of its heat through plate recycling (the formation and subduction of new crust inherent in plate tectonics), Venus probably loses its internal heat by surface volcanism and by conduction through its crust.
Heat is passed (largely by conduction) back to the Earth's land and sea surface from the atmosphere (there is also some re-radiation of LWIR back to the surface from the lower reaches of the atmosphere).
Temperature tends to respond so that, depending on optical properties, LW emission will tend to reduce the vertical differential heating by cooling warmer parts more than cooler parts (for the surface and atmosphere); also (not significant within the atmosphere and ocean in general, but significant at the interface betwen the surface and the air, and also significant (in part due to the small heat fluxes involved, viscosity in the crust and somewhat in the mantle (where there are thick boundary layers with superadiabatic lapse rates) and thermal conductivity of the core) in parts of the Earth's interior) temperature changes will cause conduction / diffusion of heat that partly balances the differential heating.
(Within a typical atmosphere, as on Earth, heat transport by conduction and molecular mass diffusion are relatively insignificant for bulk transport (there is some role in smaller - scale processes involving particles in the air), except when the net radiative flux and convective flux are very very small (not a condition generally found on Earth).
Re 40 simon abingdon — there is very little mass loss to space (can be significant for evolution of conditions over geologic time or in more extreme conditions, but not for Earth like conditions over the timescales over which climatic equilibrium is determined), and latent and sensible heat are transported by conduction and convection and mass diffusion, which can't significantly extend outside the atmosphere.
6 Transfer of Energy Through Space Once the Sun's energy reaches Earth, it travels through different materials by conduction, convection, and radiation.
The atmosphere is warmed primarily by conduction and convection at the Earth's surface, not by radiation — standard school physics.
At normal Earth temperatures heat loss is mostly by conduction and convection, radiation only dominates at much higher temperatures.
Such temperature changes at the Earth's solid surface then propagate into the subsurface by heat conduction through the soil and rock.»
As to the absorption of long - wave radiation from the earth's surface, while it may be true that carbon dioxide and water together do absorb certain frequency ranges of that radiation, I don't think that that matters a whole lot because most of the heat from the surface is transported to the top of the troposphere by conduction, convection and latent heat of vaporization of water during the day.
The atmosphere is mainly warmed up by the Earth mass thru evaporation, convection, conduction, radiation not by greenhouse gasses or gases.
«the atmosphere is warmed by conduction from Earth's surface, this lapse or reduction in temperature is normal with increasing distance from the conductive source.»
Because the atmosphere is warmed by conduction from Earth's surface, this lapse or reduction in temperature (is?)
«The Earth's internal thermal energy flows to the surface by conduction at a rate of 44.2 terawatts (TW), and is replenished by radioactive decay of minerals at a rate of 30 TW.»
Sensible heat flux is the process where heat energy is transferred from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere by conduction and convection.
The warming primarily occurs by conduction from the earth's surface directly to the atmosphere.
However there would then be more conduction, convection and on Earth more evaporation from the surface for an increased upward energy flow which would work to maintain the lapse rate set by sun and pressure.
«in an isotropic non GHG world, the net would be zero, as the mean conduction flux would equalize, but in our earth it is still nearly zero» if the atmosphere were isothermal at the same temperature as the surface then exactly the downwelling radiation absorbed by the surface would be equal to the radiation of th surface absorbed by the air (or rather by its trace gases) and both numbers would be (1 - 2E3 (t (nu)-RRB--RRB- pi B (nu, T) where t (nu) is the optical thickness, B the Planck function, nu the optical frequency and T the temperature; as the flow from the air absorbed by the surface is equal to the flow from the surface absorbed by the air, the radiative heat transfer is zero between surface and air.
Somehow, largely by conduction, convection and latent heat, and such means other than by radiation, heat flows from the earth's surface to somewhere, where it is then radiated into space.
«Here on Earth, environmental heat is transferred in the air primarily by conduction (collisions between individual air molecules) and convection (the circulation or bulk motion of air).»
From his membrane around a volume / mass below TOA, quite appropriate to observe that neither convection nor conduction can ultimately cool planet Earth surrounded by space.
There may be convection and conduction within the atmosphere (up to about 10 Km as found by E. O. Hulburt in 1931), but between the Earth (including the atmosphere) and «space», heat is transferred via radiation since space is a vacuum (you need matter for conduction and convection, also shown by Hulburt in 1931).
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