Sentences with phrase «eating at the slower rate»

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If your baby is not growing at the expected rate, or the growth rate slows, your doctor will want to make sure your baby is getting enough to eat.
Eat healthy and often during the day and when you drink; if your gut is busy digesting, it will also slow down the rate at which you absorb alcohol.
On the other hand there are at least four studies showing that people who eat the most protein have the slowest bone loss over time and another four showing that people who eat the most protein have the lowest fracture rate over time.
It's no use blaming your genes as no matter how difficult it is for some persons to build muscle as long as they train and eat right they can gain muscle albeit at a slower rate than someone more genetically gifted.
The fiber in prunes delays the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream after eating and slows the rate at which food leaves the stomach, which promotes a sustained feeling of satisfied fullness after finishing a meal.
Eating fat with sugar slows the rate at which sugar hits the bloodstream.
While it's true that your metabolic rate generally decreases with age, it's largely due to a corresponding decrease in muscle mass, which in turn slows down the rate at which you burn calories; however, there's no reason that age needs to lead to a slower metabolism as long as you stay active and eat healthy.
When you eat foods low on the glycemic index (complex carbs), the insulin response is much more mild, since the food increases your blood sugar level at a slower rate, unlike simple carbs.
If you eat low carb or better yet — no carb foods like those at the bottom of this chart first, they will slow down the digestion / absorption rate of the treat and thwart glucose spikes.
However, the 3rd group that combined the normal pace at first with the slower rate after that caused both the men and women to have a large reduction in their appetite and eat less.
If you eat at a calorie deficit for many months (or years) then eventually your metabolic rate may slow down.
They grow so fast during this first year so you want to ensure that the dry dog food they're eating will help them grow at a steady, healthy rate and not too fast or too slow.
Many of these toys are designed like puzzles, which have the added advantage of keeping your pooch busy while slowing down the rate at which he or she eats, which in turn can help prevent digestion issues.
Sometimes, even with the routine of 2 meals per day, this huge dog can eat quite a lot, and for this reason, we highly recommend to use special bowls that will slow him down and make him consume his food at a reasonable rate, which will prevent bloating and painful indigestion.
Like I mentioned above, they learned to eat algae, learned to dive in the water (the colder temperatures carry more nutrients, which makes a better home for the algaes they like to eat), and learned to stay down there for 40 to 60 minutes; their heart rate slows to about 25 percent it's normal rate, at about 7 or 8 beats per minute.
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