Sentences with phrase «ectomorphs also»

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Although ectomorphs have a naturally lean built and tend to accumulate less fat than most people, this can also happen to them if they don't make sure to eat clean.
Also, ectomorphs will benefit from higher frequency workouts, if they keep their cardio to a minimum, rest well and consume enough calories.
Also, is it possible to be a mix of an ectomorph and endomorph?
But most of them are also ectomorph body types so getting «bulky» or overly muscular is VERY difficult for them, nearly impossible.
I have also provided nutrition and workout guidelines for each of the body types — endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph.
The three different body types (also called somatotypes) include the ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph.
I also have specific nutrition and workout guidelines tailored to each body type here: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.
Ectomorphs should also up their level of protein, even more than endomorphs.
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