Sentences with phrase «egyptian uprisings»

Doa Aly's four - channel video installation takes inspiration both from Ovid's «house of rumor» episode and from the chattery aftermath of the Egyptian uprisings.
«The neo-conservative claim that the Egyptian uprising shows that the Iraq war cracked open democratic possibilities [doesn't] strike me as particularly convincing.»
Note: This movie is not to be confused with Joel and Nash Edgerton's crime thriller The Square (2010) or Jehane Noujaim's Netflix documentary The Square (2013), about the Egyptian uprising.
Documenting the lives of six protesters in the Egyptian uprising that started in 2011 in Tahrir Square (and continues to this day), director Jehane Noujaim's The Square went through a major change earlier this year when the state of the revolution continued to evolve.
This stirring picture book, illustrated with patterned collages, tells of young people's role in leading the Egyptian uprising.
The Egyptian uprising has been in the offing for more than 10 years.

Not exact matches

As Wael Ghonim watched the uprising in Tunisia gain steam, he polled the members of the «We Are All Khaled Said» Facebook page - named after a young Egyptian who died at the hands of police in Alexandria - to see who might come to a protest in Egypt on January 25.
Egyptian Christians and Muslims gathered together this week to pray for those who've died in the uprising against President Hosni Mubarak's regime.
Contrary to the popular view of a peaceful uprising, the 2011 Egyptian revolution saw violent conduct from many protestors.
It is in this regard that the Egyptian protests strikingly resemble the Iranian uprising against Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1978.
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