Sentences with phrase «elbow grease required»

The one common thread, it seems, is when creating that «elegant - looking decor» from dollar stores, is there is some elbow grease required.
So while the idea of easily sanitizing something or avoiding the elbow grease required for grime removal might encourage one to toss it all in the dishwasher, we're here to tell you this: Think about your poor appliance!
They are also super easy to use — with little to no elbow grease required — making for a fun tool to have kids help operate.

Not exact matches

Raising money from the crowd requires preparation, elbow grease, and honest analysis of your idea.
A touch of elbow grease is required!
Unlike traditional soaps, the shaving creams require a little less elbow grease to generate lather.
I was able to make them in my Vitamix, even though the stickiness required a little more elbow grease on my part.
It's all - natural, and requires little elbow grease, especially when used with a microfiber e-cloth.
They require a little elbow grease, but no complicated techniques and can turn a simple vegetable soup into something very special indeed.
This requires a bit of elbow grease, but trust me when you taste it - well worth the effort.
Patience and a bit of elbow grease are required, but we always need those in the kitchen, right?
Don't Forget the Parchment Paper Anyone who has made pizza knows that washing a baking sheet with hard cheese attached to it is an impossible task — one that requires steel wool and a whole lot of elbow grease.
This Lifetime Box Spring requires a little bit of elbow grease but, once you get it together, all you have to do is throw the cover on and it's ready for your mattress.
They're all easy, but two of them require a bit more elbow grease.
Mix by hand (this may require a bit of elbow grease).
(The latter requires a little bit of time and elbow grease, but it's totally doable.)
Removing a tire without tools just requires dexterous thumbs and a bit of elbow grease.
A blessing in a world increasingly beset by feedback - free electrical steering setups, the Alfa Romeo does require quite a bit of elbow grease to maneuver through a parking lot at low speeds.
Meanwhile, the second row seats are removable, but do not stow, so creating a fully flat load floor requires space in your garage for the chairs, and a lot more elbow grease.
Yes, this will require some advance planning and a bit of elbow grease.
Still, this category requires a bit of brain power and elbow grease from pet specialty retailers, as these products won't typically sell themselves.
These methods do require considerable more elbow grease on your part in order to be effective.
Despite what some products claim, however, one treatment is often not enough and almost all will require some degree of elbow grease on your part!
Elbow grease and time will be required to complete this task, but it is well worth the effort.
What really sets the Google Home apart from the Echo is the ability to customize command phrases and responses, which requires a little more elbow grease to get set up but also opens up a lot of potential for things only the Google Home can do.
It's apparent when you open the camera box and see a pair of mounts, screws, anchors, screwdriver, and drill bit, that setting up the Stick Up Cam requires a certain amount of consideration and elbow grease.
To more easily see streaks that will require a second shot of elbow grease, wipe the inside of glass in a different direction than the outside.
After all, most DIY projects require some elbow grease and more than a little time.
I would say both tutorials require the same amount of elbow grease.
I started by removing the knobs, which required some elbow grease from Kurt since they had been left on when the piece was previously painted white.
It's actually easy to do and works great, but requires some elbow grease.
These straightforward tasks don't cost a lot to undertake, but they do require some elbow grease.
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