Sentences with phrase «electrocutions often»

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In contrast, lethal gassing will often bring on distressing breathlessness before permanent loss of consciousness, and death by electrocution may cause extreme pain.
Pets often consider electrical cords to be great chew toys, but we all know that is not the case.Chewing on electrical cords can burn a pet's mouth or result in electrical shock or death by electrocution.
Unfortunately, because most of these preferred areas are behind things — where electrical cords and wires are often hidden away — there's the potential danger of electrocution (appliances such as refrigerators, stoves and washer / dryers usually have wires and electrical hookups located in the back).
In Mexico, run - down and understaffed shelters are common, and animals are often euthanized using painful and terrifying methods like electrocution instead of more humane methods.
Her young subjects emerge in a white haze of dust from the limestone quarries that they must cut with dangerous machinery, often prone to premature death from electrocution or injury.
Pool accidents often result in diving - board injuries, pool - drain injuries, electrocution injuries, and others.
Victims of electrocution are often completely unprepared and unknowing that they are in mortal danger.
The effects of electrocution injuries are often long - lasting or permanent.
Victims of power line electrocution accidents often have damages (losses) beyond pain and suffering.
Most often, electrocution occurs when a worker comes into contact with a power line, or through improper use of electrical equipment, such as extension cords.
Unless the lines near scaffolds can be disconnected, never place scaffolding in close proximity; electrocutions are often fatal.
Electrical shock or electrocution accidents can have serious, often fatal, affect on a person.
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