Sentences with phrase «emanations with»

Distribution d'Effluves avec Machine Centrale et Tableau Métrique (Distribution of Emanations with Central Machine and Metric Table), circa 1916; pencil and India ink on tracing paper; 19-1/2 x 26-3/8 in.
This was typical of the Gnostics, who had to supply each of their acons and their emanations with a genealogy and a history.
He endowed these emanations with benevolent or malevolent intent and he named them.

Not exact matches

with long and loud emanations.
Nor should it have been a surprise that the Court, having successfully claimed for itself the authority to write a «living Constitution» based on penumbras and emanations, should assume the roles of National Metaphysician and National Nanny (as it did in Casey, with its famous «mystery of life» passage and its hectoring injunction to a fractious populace to fall into line behind the Court's abortion jurisprudence).
The human mind that abstracts from the realism and intuition of St. John, to theologise its own version of the Jesus of History as distinct from the Jesus of Faith, must always end up with a supreme Prophet who is less than the transcendent divine, who is not pre-existent to the Universe and Creation, and who at the very highest is «divine» only as a supreme emanation of a «holy and noble consciousness» at the root of being itself, and identified with Creation itself.
Until we realize that our minds» main concern is with self - preservation, protecting the organism, and that our thoughts are emanations of this, we will continue to blindly believe whatever we believe, plus find endorsement for it.
But from him went out powers comparable with the later notion of emanations.
The word «result» is written with caution: there is no priority of moments in any temporal sense here, as if the Trinity is an emanation of the divine nature.
Out of the cramped sky of the upper - right - hand corner, irregular and broken lead strips serve to symbolize a halting emanation of angels (each with its name painted on celestial placards), down from the sky to the earth's surface.
IBS has been with me since at least 2nd grade: distention, gaseous emanations, loose to watery stools 3 - 5 x day, abdominal pain (usually L side) sometimes relieved by toileting.
Not so with those whose opinions and feelings are an emanation from their own nature and faculties.»
The porters» effluvia and the emanations of rotting produce fill the air with an appalling stench, and a burden of relentless heat crushes the esplanade.
The gorgeous light - filled spacious arc of the museum's special exhibition is made even more vibrant at one end by the museum's large diptych «Argopoli» (1993) with its effusive golden emanations.
«A painter ought to paint one single masterpiece: himself, perpetually... becoming a kind of generator with a continual emanation that fills the atmosphere with his whole artistic presence and remains in the air after he has gone», wrote Klein in his diary in 1957.
In a recent painting by Katherine Bradford, a figure barely weighted down by his necktie seems to wrangle with a Janus - like emanation which could be his double.
Seventeen pieces from the last several years represented two primary impulses pursued by Turrell across his distinguished career - long engagement with light: deploying it, on the one hand, as a paradoxically material presence designed to draw our perceptual attention outward, toward the spectral volumetric «objects» it creates, and, on the other, as a dematerialized emanation designed
Today, he lives with his family in Trinidad and his work has evolved from the ecstatic collages that made him famous to radiant, mysterious emanations whose intensity plumbs myth, fantasy and dream.
They all involve greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide, along with black carbon — the sooty emanations from diesel engines and guttering cooking fires that both heat and kill.
Living in the concrete jungle divorces us from the natural world, says Landau, with skyscrapers supplanting trees and putrid emanations whiffing across roadways.
This was challenged in McCall v Poulton & MIB [2008] EWCA Civ 1263 Where the Court of Appeal referred this point to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling along with the question of whether Marleasing should be used to interpret the 1999 agreement and whether, following Farrell v Whitty, the MIB was an emanation of state.
It submitted that any communication by an employee who is authorised to communicate with a legal adviser for the purpose of their employer seeking legal advice is privileged on the basis that the employee should be treated as if he / she were part or an emanation of the client.
While emanations may seem innocuous in isolation, the ever - increasing number of technologies designed to: locate, track, store, process, mine, buy, use, break, fix, trash, change, melt, upgrade, charge, pawn, zoom, press, snap, work, erase, write, cut, paste, save, load, check, rewrite, plug, play, burn, rip, drag, drop, zip, unzip, lock, fill, curl, find, view, coat, jam, unlock, surf, scroll, pose, click, cross, crack, twitch, update, name, rate, tune, print, scan, send, fax, rename, touch, bring, obey, watch, turn, leave, stop and format information gleaned from emanations means that single bits of emanation information can be manipulated with such significant degrees of control that it is now possible to build a comprehensive profile of an individual's biographical or biological life without that individual ever knowing that he or she is, was, or will be a subject of surveillance.
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