Sentences with phrase «emerging strains such»

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What does trouble me is BPI's use of a raw material which by its very nature is highly pathogenic, such that we all might be endangered in the case of human error (as when BPI's ammonia system stopped working for sixty seconds in 2009, leading to 26,000 + pounds of infected meat)( or a new strain of E coli — not part of BPI's admirably advanced testing protocol — emerges (as one did in Germany last summer, killing 345 and sickening 3,700 +.)
In just the past few years, strains of Escherichia coli have emerged that can thrive in salted foods like sausage or acidic foods such as apple juice, and certain strains of Salmonella have developed the ability to resist food - processing temperatures that kill other organisms.
The threads collected data on tissue health (e.g. pressure, stress, strain and temperature), pH and glucose levels that can be used to determine such things as how a wound is healing, whether infection is emerging, or whether the body's chemistry is out of balance.
Since the turn of the century, however, aggressive new strains have emergedsuch as «Ug99», first detected in Uganda in 1999 — that infect widely grown varieties of wheat.
Bacteria are increasingly developing resistance to antibiotics and new more virulent strains, such as E. coli O157: H7 are emerging at an alarming rate.
Since emerging adenovirus strains such as HAdV - 14 and HAdV - D22 / H8 (otherwise known as HAdV - D53) are known to arise from recombination events among related ancestral strains [32], [33], we performed bootscanning analysis to look for such events in TMAdV.
In such circumstances, a negative feedback loop can emerge in which stressed, dysregulated children and chaotic environments strain EEC providers, interrupting their interactions with children and hindering their ability to manage behavior, cope with challenges, and provide high quality instruction.
In such paintings, figurative and narrative, many of which emerge from BFA and some MFA painting programs in the US, in direct contradistinction to what one feels is straining for individualism, for some reason everyone always seems to look alike, people even all having the same nose, from artist to artist.
CONCLUSIONS: Nine items emerged with the highest amount of role strain, such as coping with job expectations and inadequate time to meet role expectations.
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