Sentences with phrase «emotional dysregulation using»

In fact, most clients with emotional dysregulation use problematic behaviors in the evening.

Not exact matches

Food may be used in excess as a tool for consoling or pacifying emotional needs of the child by the parent31 or to self - soothe by the child.32, 33 Alternatively, family violence is distressing and may cause affective dysregulation, leading to decreased impulse control and excessive caloric intake.34 More direct biological mechanisms are also plausible.
Issues I work with: Communication, emotional intimacy, recurring disagreements, family of origin issues, self - worth, emotional dysregulation, sexual issues, trust, chronic illness, substance use and addiction, grief, anxiety, and depression.
When life brings experiences that overwhelm us and exceed our capacity to work through them on our own, we can find ourselves vulnerable to depression, anxiety, emotional dysregulation, illness, or substance use.
Issues I work with: Communication, emotional intimacy, recurring disagreements, family of origin issues, self - worth, emotional dysregulation, adult attachment, sexual issues, trust, chronic illness, substance use and process addiction, grief, anxiety, and depression.
The DSM IV, which is a manual used by psychiatrists to diagnose all mental disorders, describes BPD as an AXIS 11 disorder of impulsivity and emotional dysregulation including at least five of the following (See Gray Box Below):
The dysregulation of emotions may be studied at all different levels of emotion experience, cognition and regulation, such as emotional dynamics (Silk et al. 2003), emotion knowledge (e.g., not knowing that one may experience different emotions at the same time and believing that emotional experiences can not be modulated; e.g., Meerum - Terwogt and Olthof 1989), difficulties with the use of emotion regulation strategies (e.g., distraction, cognitive reinterpretation; Gross and Thompson 2007), and meta - emotion experiences (e.g., nonacceptance of emotional responses; Gratz and Roemer 2004).
In the present study, we use the term emotional dysregulation descriptively, and thus similarly to how emotional lability and the irritable dimension of ODD has been used in studies of older children [28, 29, 32].
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