Sentences with phrase «enabled by modern technology»

Enabled by modern technology, investors can now enhance a pure value strategy by using momentum to improve timing, measuring quality to avoid value traps, and diversifying active bets into less efficiently priced small stocks.

Not exact matches

I am very impressed with the consultation and gained a sense for how they are using modern portfolio theory supported by technology to enable a scalable investment advisory service.
Using these tools, organizations can easily streamline mainframe application development by leveraging modern Eclipse or Visual Studio technology, enabling fast application change and mainframe integration.
One final intriguing way to encourage interaction during a sermon has only been recently enabled by the benefits of modern technology.
The broader access to modern technology and infrastructure enabled by these funds will support our work to ensure that all students have the tools and resources they need to excel in school and come to college ready.
Modern molecular technologies (genomics and other omics), through comparing nucleic acid and amino acid sequences across living species, are enabling the identification of genetic components and patterns stingily conserved by evolution, from those in which times of evolutionary branching of the tree of life can be inferred.
L&D must understand that technology has already enabled the modern learner to direct their own learning by providing instantly available knowledge and know - how.
Modern learning approaches such as student centered learning and collaborative learning have been accepted and integrated in Middle East and North Africa education systems because they have been enabled by the use of this technology.
It's cool to see what modern technology enables you to do visually, though at the same time I'm glad they didn't go for a more extensive remake where they would rewrite all of my brilliant dialog to adapt to the change from reading it on screen to hearing it spoken by actors.
The new video installation by the winning artists, Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou - Rahme, Only The Beloved Keeps Our Secrets, examined how modern day technologies, particularly the Internet, can enable a continued existence for those who have been deceased.
The close links between energy and development, assessing today's global picture for access to modern energy, the strategies and technologies that can enable countries to achieve energy for all by 2030, and the ways in which reliable energy can move communities from poverty towards prosperity.
The move enabled the firm to improve the end - user experience by deploying a modern document comparison UI and improve productivity since the underlying comparison technology is the fastest and most accurate available.
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