Sentences with phrase «enough radiation escapes»

Enough radiation escapes our bodies that sleeping nightly with another person adds 1 millirem to your annual dose.

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Ordinarily, they don't stick around long enough to be directly observed, but if a pair straddles the event horizon, then one photon can fall into the black hole, while the other escapes, carrying energy away as Hawking radiation.
The wiggle room provided by the uncertainty principle is just large enough to allow information to escape in black hole radiation.
Regions below TAU = 1 tend to have radiation absorbed before its exit to space where the opacity is high, and regions above are thin enough to let radiation escape to space.
If sunlight can get in more easily than thermal radiation can get out, then the surface will get hotter (and radiate more fiercely) until enough thermal radiation does escape to balance the incoming energy.
This absorption can even occur multiple times but once the radiation occurs high enough up in the atmosphere that the remaining IR - absorbing substances above that layer are unlikely to absorb the radiation, then it can successfully escape to space.
With sufficient warming, the same radiative transfer equations show that upward IR will rise enough for sufficient quantities to escape to space, albeit at a higher altitude than before, warmed sufficiently so that its IR emissivity allows OLR to balance incoming absorbed radiation.
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