Sentences with phrase «enough studies show»

Enough studies show how well index funds do against their managed counterparts to make it a worthy investment strategy.

Not exact matches

Studies show that working out a few times a week is not enough to fend off diseases.
Both are likely true — not getting enough sleep could increase Alzheimer's risk (as the second study shows), and the factors that lead to Alzheimer's also seem to make it hard to sleep.
For instance, the Bright study showed that there are enough domestic candidates for software - development jobs (31,560) for the number of H - 1B proposals (30,915) listed.
And if that's not enough, another recent study shows that 80 % of your company's future revenue will come from 20 % of your current customers.
But even the biggest booster of breaks in the world might be shocked by a new Wharton study showing that, in some contexts, failing to step away often enough can actually be lethal.
Studies have shown a fairly large percentage of employees are stressed about their financial situation, and worried about not having enough money to retire, said Todd Saulnier, vice-chair of the national policy committee at the Association of Canadian Pension Management (ACPM) in Halifax.
The study showed that trimming American food waste by just 15 percent would create enough food to feed 25 million Americans for an entire year.
But, I certainly agree with you that this whole notion of being «powerless» and somehow turning your life over to a «higher power» is a crutch that they will have to deal with, and when they do relapse, which studies show that almost «all» of them do, again... it is always, that they were wrong in somehow they didn't work the «steps» appropriately, or got the «steps» out of order, or didn't fully turn their lives over to a «higher power», or they didn't go to «enough» meetings, etc...
Studies of brainwashing have shown that if a person can be made to feel frightened or guilty enough, he becomes putty in an authority figure's hands.
Willow Creek has been a leader through their Reveal study at humbly showing the failures of focusing too much on contextualization and not enough on discipleship.
«What the new study showed was that the difference in amino acid values is not enough to change the effects, compared to whey.»
Also, Sphearanthus Indicus is also lacking enough studies to show if it's truly effective.
He had also studied his watch, which showed a final half of: 58 ⅘ fast enough to win many Hambletonians.
There are a few studies out there (maybe not enough tbh), that show a link between playing soccer, CTE and dementia (This one is in open access if you want to read it:
Because studies show that one - off concussion education isn't enough to change concussion symptom reporting behavior, Step Three in the SmartTeams Play SafeTM #TeamUp4 ConcussionSafetyTM game plan calls for coaches, athletes, athletic trainers, team doctors (and, at the youth and high school level, parents) to attend a mandatoryconcussion safety meeting before every sports season to learn in detail about the importance of immediate concussion symptom reporting, not just in minimizing the risks concussions pose to an athlete's short - and long - term health, but in increasing the chances for individual and team success.
A Pew Research Center study shows that fathers are more involved with their children than their fathers, but that it is still not enough.
study shows that fathers are more involved with their children than their fathers, but that it is still not enough.
In my free eBook First Foods That Nourish, I talk about a study that shows how a breastfed baby can get enough vitamin D.
And if you could somehow design a study to show whether behavioral approaches are better than approaches related to attachment, one drug addict would not be enough to discount either approach.
Studies have shown that at four months, a baby's nervous system is mature enough to allow him to be able to sleep at 12 hour stretch.
Studies show that people who get enough sleep are happier, eat healthier, score better on cognitive tests and are healthier overall.
Be sure that you get enough vitamins - studies show that low vitamin D levels happen from the lack of sunlight this time of year and leaves our immune system vulnerable to colds and the flu.
Further studies have shown that an infant's gastrointestinal tract has not or may not have matured enough to properly digest / utilize solid foods until around 6 - 8 months old.
A recent study showed that many teens rate not having enough time with their parents as one of their top concerns.
Studies have shown that getting enough omega - 3s in utero and during infancy (either through breastfeeding or supplemented formula) has a positive effect on a child's vision and cognitive development.
Studies have shown that children who don't get enough shut - eye are more likely to be heavy because sleep regulates the hormones that control appetite.
My name is Smu, I am from Los Angeles, I am studying PDBio with aspirations of becoming a physician's assistant (PA), I am dope, I like to show you how I get down at camp and I am fine enough to MO, fine enough to NACHO fine enough to hula - hoop fine enough for all y ’ all fools haha just kidding.
Studies show that babies under the age of two do not have enough neck and spinal muscles to support them and prevent injury.
Studies show that not getting enough of certain nutrients — including vitamins B and D — can up a woman's PPD risk.
The answer in my opinion, and I'm secure enough to admit that's all it is, is that this entire premise will be shown to be false upon further study.
Although studies show varying results on the usefulness of this compound in increasing milk supply, most of them agree that taking enough of it will boost milk supply.
Studies have shown that it was only in the late 1980s that infant and maternal mortality and morbidity rates dropped back to numbers close to those which existed in the 1800s!!!! YES — when babies were born a home, on farms to fit, healthy, well nourished mothers, supported by extended family networks, co-slept (because there generally weren't enough rooms on the farm for everyone!)
«Open adoption» hasn't been around for long enough for any studies to show that it is less harmful to adopted people than is «closed adoption.»
- Make sure your child is getting enough sleep (9 to 10 hours for kids ages 5 to 8) as studies have shown inadequate, irregular sleep promotes packing on the pounds.
One study showed that women who had morning sickness severely enough to be hospitalized during their pregnancy were slightly more likely to have girls rather than boys.
There is, these studies do show that if a mother takes, these are basically mega doses of vitamin D that, yes, it can raise the level in breast milk similarly, there are enough, an equivalent amounts to a baby taking 400 International Units.
Stress management: Interestingly enough, studies show that the parents» ability to manage stress is the second biggest indicator of children's happiness — second only to how much love and affection the child receives (see # 1).
Certainly, studies have shown that not having enough iodine, iron and fatty acids in the diet can have a negative effect on cognitive development.
It is important for all women in the childbearing cycle from conception planning to postpartum to get enough Vitamin D. Studies have shown that women who take 4,000 International Units (IUs) of Vitamin D every day have the lowest risks of preterm labor, premature infants, and infection.
I have seen some studies, for example, that show that nursing > 6x / day past 8 - 9 months really put breastfed babies at high risk for iron deficiency, so I think it is possible to breastfeed an older infant or toddler too much, to the point of displacing nutrients that you can't get enough of through breast milk.
The mayor also said she has seen no feasibility study to show that the stadium could generate enough revenue to sustain itself.
According to the Ghana Integrity Initiative, the African Automobile cars left to rot at the Institute of Local Government Studies even after the Judgment Debt Commission has concluded its work and some indicted officials by the Commission still holding public positions shows that the country has not put in enough effort and commitment in tackling corruption.
Less than every fourth child in Europe have enough fruit and vegetables included in their daily diet, a study by Swedish researchers at Örebro University and Karolinska Institutet shows.
The study shows that it's plausible, even if Mars was generally frozen over, that peak daily temperatures in summer might sneak above freezing just enough to cause melting at the edges of glaciers.
But a recent study in PNAS suggested that wind (and other renewables) will fall short of slashing carbon emissions, because there just isn't enough of it in the U.S. Based on data from a company owned by one of the study's authors, this map's white areas show where wind turbines would be most effective — but because wind isn't available all the time, they'd only produce roughly 50 percent of the energy wind turbines could at maximum capacity.
Studies including Wang's earlier work in Africa have shown that even small changes in soil moisture in drylands could be significant enough to cause large changes in vegetation productivity.
In a vacuum the gases and liquids in the body expand rapidly, animal studies show, but your skin and blood vessels maintain enough pressure on your body and its fluids that you will not instantly explode — no matter what you've seen in Hollywood films.
«Our study shows that reduction of FODMAP content of a major food staple, such as rye bread, may reduce some symptoms of IBS but is not enough per se to reach adequate overall symptom control in IBS.
Studies on wearable technologies have shown that data alone usually is not enough to encourage people to change their behavior.
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