Sentences with phrase «enterohepatic circulation»

Enterohepatic circulation refers to a process in the body where substances are passed between the small intestine and the liver. It involves the absorption of these substances from the intestine into the blood, then carrying them to the liver where they are metabolized, and later returned to the small intestine to be reabsorbed again. This cycle repeats several times to help the body efficiently use and remove certain compounds. Full definition
Jandacek RJ, Tso P. Enterohepatic circulation of organochlorine compounds: a site for nutritional intervention.
«There's something called enterohepatic circulation,» Pai explains.
The enterohepatic circulation of bile acids in health and disease.
High fiber intake further removes sex hormones from the body courtesy of increased gut transit time and decrease in the enterohepatic circulation.
Cholestyramine has been shown to interfere with the enterohepatic circulation of endogenous thyroid hormones, which is increased in hyperthyroidism (1).
(1) The estrobolome modulates the enterohepatic circulation of estrogens and affects circulating and excreted estrogen levels.
Dietary protein source (soybean vs. casein) and taurine status affect kinetics of the enterohepatic circulation of taurocholic acid in cats
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