Sentences with phrase «entrenched energy interests»

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Resistance from entrenched interests and within the industries themselves are among the factors blocking innovation from flourishing in the nation's manufacturing sector — forces that are also prevalent in other legacy sectors such as energy, transportation, construction, health care, higher education, agriculture and to a lesser extent defense, the two experts said.
Here are three reactions to my post about Machiavelli's view of the impediments to making big changes in societies — as in the asymmetrical nature of the battle to take the carbon out of energy systems in the face of both societal inertia and intensive efforts by entrenched interests to maintain the status quo.
My anti-nuclear, pro-renewable relatives now living in California believe it is only the entrenched opposition of well - financed nuclear and fossil fuel interests which prevents America's rapid transition into a mostly wind and solar energy future.
It is still finite, though, and eventually, we would need to develop another energy infrastructure — while facing opposition from an interested class that is even more entrenched than our fossil fuel interests.
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