Sentences with phrase «epsilon types»

«Alcohol addict» is roughly synonymous with «alcoholic» (Gamma, Delta, or Epsilon types) and is useful to keep in mind, in that it conveys a sense of the intensity of the compulsion involved.
Like the Delta and Epsilon types, it involves a true physiological addiction.
The counselor should be alert to the possibility that an excessive - drinking counselee is not an alcoholic in the sense of being addicted to alcohol (Jellinek's Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon types).

Not exact matches

The same individual may slip from one type into another — e.g., from Alpha or Beta into Gamma; or from Epsilon into Gamma.
The word «alcoholic» will be used in this book to refer only to the three addictive types — steady, plateau, and periodic (Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon)-- in which loss of control is a crucial factor which must be faced in counseling.
Sigma Phi Epsilon may have decided to distance themselves from this type of rape rhetoric with the shutdown, but those sons who designed and received those surveys ultimately reflect the holes of poor parenting — in which the violation of women and girls was somehow overlooked.
Due to Epsilon Indi's relative proximity and similarity of spectral type to Sol, the star has been an object of intense interest among astronomers.
Epsilon Indi ba is so cool that methane has been detected in its atmosphere and so it has been classified as the earliest T - type (T1 V), methane brown dwarf (McCaughrean et al, 2003)-- a «T - dwarf»), like the brown dwarf companion to Gliese 229.
Epsilon Indi is a orange - red main sequence dwarf star of spectral and luminosity type K4 - 5 Ve.
On the other hand, the discovery of a brown dwarf companion in a wide orbit that could perturb dormant comets in an Oort Cloud around Epsilon Indi inwards towards the star's inner planetary regions may periodically shower an Earth - type, inner planet with catastrophic impacts.
The absolute mode frequencies, encapsulated in the asteroseismic variable epsilon, can help solve this impasse because the values of epsilon implied by the two possible mode identifi... ▽ More Asteroseismology of F - type stars has been hindered by an ambiguity in identification of their oscillation modes.
ε Antliae (Epsilon Antliae) is an orange K - type giant, approximately 700 light years distant.
Built on a lengthened version of GM's Epsilon platform, the Maxx has a hatch - type rear door and a glass roof over the rear seat.
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